Lightening of hair folk remedies

Time to experiment with the color of hair comes in the life of every woman. Moreover - even many men are not averse to updating their image, replacing the "coloring".

Demand, as you know, gives rise to a proposal. Therefore, the amount of various colors and tonics on the shelves of stores today is just off scale. But is it worth it to spend on some expensive paint or, maybe, there are some more affordable alternatives?

As practice shows, it is the lightening of hair in our time is considered the most fashionable procedure, we'll talk about it below.

Whether there is a lightening of hair sparing?

Of course, it happens! After all, the paint was invented relatively recently, and the color of hair was changed by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. And the methods used in the past centuries, even today, can be considered effective. In addition, painting and lightening hair with folk remedies is a healthy procedure, for which natural substances that do not damage the hair are used, but on the contrary, make them more alive, healthy and obedient.

It is the lack of chemical elements that makes popular methods of clarification practically invaluable. Even the best colors for the benefit of hair do not go (whatever the manufacturers wrote on the packaging). The folk remedy allows one to kill two birds with one stone: and effectively lighten the dark hair, and treat them a little.

By the way, folk remedies are effective for dyed hair. Special masks will allow a little "soften" the hair color, change the shade. About what kind of mask suitable for dyed hair, we will tell below.

Secrets of lightening of dark and blond hair folk remedies

Of course, the lighter the curls, the easier it will be to lighten them. That is, in order to brighten light-brown hair, it will be enough pairs of procedures, but dark-haired will have to be patient. At once I would like to warn you that from a burning brunette a natural blonde by natural methods is almost impossible to get, but to lighten up by two or three tones - it's please.

Lightening of hair folk remedies consists in drawing of masks and preparation of natural balms-rinse.

Most masks are prepared quickly and simply, and the ingredients for them do not even have to run to the supermarket:

  1. The most effective is clarifying lemon juice. To make a mask, you need one lemon juice and an equal amount of water. Mix well the ingredients and apply to clean hair. This mask will not have to be washed off. After it, the hair lightens and becomes golden shine.
  2. Another lemon mask can be used for dark hair. It includes juice of four lemons, half a liter of chamomile broth and warm vinegar with rhubarb. In the resulting mixture, fifty grams of alcohol and melted honey are divorced. Ready the paste for half an hour to put on hair, then wash off. After the first procedure, the shade of the hair will lighten a little.
  3. A simple and light-weight mask is prepared in a blender from a banana and raw egg. The mixture should be put on hair for an hour and thoroughly washed off with shampoo.
  4. Rinser from the tincture of chamomile lightens the hair is not so much, but here's the health of the head of hair is one hundred percent.

Lightening of colored hair folk remedies

On dyed hair, clarifying masks act better than any professional masks. Here are the recipes of the most popular folk remedies:

  1. Painted hair can be clarified with thistle oil. Half cup is enough for medium length hair. Distribute evenly warm oil over the hair, wrap your head in a film and close it with a slightly warmed towel. Keep the mask is not recommended less than two hours.
  2. An effective way to lighten colored hair with folk remedies is a mayonnaise mask. Home or store mayonnaise apply on the hair for a period of from one hour to a day. If there is no mayonnaise at hand, you can mix sunflower oil with three egg yolks.
  3. Another simple mask is kefir . Kefir to put on hair, to wrap up a film and a towel. The longer the mask is held, the better.

After any procedure, the hair is best rinsed with water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.