Inoculations to kittens for Scots

To your cat was healthy, she needs to regularly take preventive measures, among which a very important place is occupied by vaccinations.

Do I need a vaccination kitty?

Sometimes the owners of domestic cats mistakenly believe that, since the cat does not go to the street, it can not catch an infectious disease. However, this is completely wrong. After all, there are many stray animals walking in the street, who are carriers of various diseases. With the isolation of sick animals, the viruses get to the ground, and the owners can carry the viruses into the house on their shoes. Therefore, vaccinations are needed for all cats, and especially for small kittens. Let's find out what vaccines Kittens do to the Scots.

When should I vaccinate kittens?

A kitten Scot, as, indeed, and any other, feeds on mother's milk until about the age of 9-12 weeks. During this period he is protected by maternal immunity. After he ceases to suck a cat, the first vaccine is given to the Scotch kitten. After 2-5 weeks (this depends on the type of vaccine), a revaccination should be carried out, which is necessary to further consolidate the immunity obtained by the kitten during the first vaccination.

If the cat - the mother of the kitten - was vaccinated, then the baby can be given the first inoculation at 12 weeks of age. In the event that the cat was not vaccinated or the kitten's mother is not known at all, the vaccination of the kitten should be done at the age of 8 weeks.

In the future, the cat should be vaccinated annually at the same time. Revaccination at this age will not be required.

Before the first vaccination of the kitten should be examined by a veterinarian. It is not recommended to vaccinate during the period of teeth change in the animal. Before vaccination, the kitten needs to be dewormed and treated against fleas and ticks.

The kittens should be vaccinated only by a veterinarian. The first inoculation of kittens to the Scots is against calciticosis , panleukopenia and rhinotracheitis. After vaccination, the kitten's owner should watch his condition carefully for some time. During the first 24 hours after vaccination, the animal may be sluggish. If you notice the same condition of the kitten and in the future, or he may have other signs of malaise, then be sure to consult a veterinarian for advice. It should be remembered that no vaccine can give a full guarantee that your kitten or adult kosh will not get sick.

At the age of six, the kitten is vaccinated against rabies . This mandatory vaccination is subsequently done once a year.

Deworming is also the prevention of a cat's healthy life. You need to spend it every 3-4 months.