Cleaning the face from acne

The problem of acne (acne, acne) is quite common. This disease requires systematic treatment, the result of which, as a rule, is not immediately apparent.

Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It appears as papules (pimples without pus) and pustules (pimples with pus) on the skin. There are also black dots - comedones. They do not cause painful sensations, but they can also become inflamed. Today, let's talk about the most effective methods of getting rid of these cosmetic defects.

Salon cleaning

Several types of effective procedures offer cosmetology - facial cleansing from acne can be performed by manual, mechanical or hardware method.

During the manual (manual cleaning), the cosmetologist removes the contents of the eels with fingers wrapped in a sterile bandage. Skin before and after treatment is treated with an antiseptic. This method is rather painful. After manual cleansing of the face from acne, the skin remains inflamed for several days, so it is advisable to spend the procedure on the eve of the weekend.

Mechanical cleaning differs from manual cleaning because the specialist removes pimples not with the help of fingers, but with special spatulas. These tools reduce the soreness of the procedure and provide a greater effect. After such a cleansing of the face from acne, inflammation also does not go away immediately.

Both technologies require sterility and high qualification, so you need to carefully choose the salon and specialist.

Hardware face cleaning

An alternative to manual or mechanical cleaning is the technology of acne removal with the help of special equipment. The most effective for today are:

Both procedures are completely painless, and after them the skin does not need rehabilitation (although several days it is better to refrain from using cosmetics).

Both laser and ultrasonic facial cleansing from acne not only removes acne, but also stimulates the processes of cell renewal, normalizes the production of sebum.

Ultrasound is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure and tumors.

Home cleaning of the face

Salon procedures are not always affordable, however, there are other ways to get rid of acne.

At home, you can carry out manual cleansing of the face from acne and peeling. Before the procedure, you should do the following:

To steam the face should be very careful not to burn the skin. Two minutes are enough for this.

Acne Removal

After the preparation described above, it is necessary to wet a medical bandage in the alcohol solution, wrap the fingers around them (wash hands beforehand). Now you can gently squeeze out black dots and ripe pimples (with pustules). Inflamed unripe pimples can not be touched! Treated skin should be wiped with an antiseptic or alcohol tincture. Then the face is smeared with tea tree oil or a cream containing zinc.


In addition to the manual removal of acne, it is effective to scrub the skin with a special composition.

Take 2 tablespoons of flour, 5 drops of glycerin and half a spoonful of rose water. You can add two grated mint leaves. The mass is applied to a peeled and steamed face, the mixture is allowed to dry, then remove it with a damp towel. The final stroke is the treatment of problem areas with a piece of ice, and then with a remedy for acne (for example, Zinerit or Delacin-T).