Dyufaston - side effects

Dyufaston is an artificial analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. It is prescribed to women who have reduced the production of natural progesterone, which leads to such phenomena as irregular periods or their complete absence, habitual miscarriages, severe premenstrual pains and others.

Dufaston carries with it a few side effects and, since it does not affect ovulation, pregnancy can also occur while taking this drug. However, we can not say that Dufaston is completely safe and does not threaten any side effects.

Among the most common side effects from Dufaston's reception - bloating, headaches and dizziness, nausea. There are also hormonal effects in the drug. As a result of hormonal changes in body disorders, the sensitivity of the breast may increase, acne may appear, the sexual desire (both upward and backward) may change, minor bleeding between the monthly and increased weight may appear.

In some, though rare cases, Dufaston leads to anemia and impaired liver function. In addition, you need to be careful if you have a tendency to allergies. Some women are allergic to dydrogesterone - one of the components of the drug. It appears as a rash.

Contraindication to the use of dyufastone is the presence in the patient's history of cardiovascular diseases, liver and gall bladder, ovarian and breast cancer.

Among the side effects of taking Dufaston:

Contraindications to the appointment of Dufaston

Firstly, it is an individual intolerance of the constituent components of the drug, the appearance of rash and itching during a previous pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding. Secondly, Dufaston is not prescribed for certain types of enzymatic deficiency, as well as for malabsorption syndrome.

Before appointment of Dufaston it is necessary to pass inspection. According to his results, the doctor must determine the dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug.

Reviews about the drug

If we talk about the opinions of women who took this drug for one reason or another, then they are somewhat different. Some patients respond to Dufaston only positively, saying that it was thanks to him that he managed to get rid of the causes of infertility , to keep the pregnancy and to bear the baby.

Others complain of multiple side effects, persistent dizziness and nausea, unexplained discharge between menstruation and changes in the monthly cycle.

Of course, it is impossible to foresee who will be affected by the side effects of the drug, and whom they will bypass, but it is extremely important to take it strictly according to the scheme drawn up by the doctor and not deviate from it. Also you can not act on your own behalf - along with your girlfriend.

Despite the recognition of drug safety, with improper reception, Dufastone is threatened with serious consequences in the form of a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, which is very difficult and long to restore. And it is especially dangerous to experiment with the use of Dufaston in pregnancy - this can lead not just to the appearance of side effects, but also to irreversible consequences.