How do I do an ovulation test?

To reveal the moment when the ovule ready for fertilization leaves the follicle, it can be very important for girls and women who can not become pregnant. It is this time, called the ovulatory period, that is most favorable for the intimate relations of the spouses who want to become parents as soon as possible.

There are quite a few ways to identify ovulation. In particular, the simplest method is to conduct special tests, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. In this article, we will tell you how to properly do an ovulation test, and what they are.

Variety of tests

To identify the "peak" moment of the menstrual cycle, there are many different adaptations. In particular, you can determine ovulation by the following test:

  1. The most accessible and, at the same time, unreliable method of determining ovulation - ordinary test strips, impregnated with a reagent, which must be immersed in urine for a specified period of time.
  2. Inkjet test plates, or cassettes are a case with a small window, made of plastic. The test for ovulation of this kind is done in the same way as some pregnancy tests - the device is substituted for a stream of urine, and after a while in a special window you can see the result.
  3. Reusable tests are, in fact, a set of test strips and a device that reads information. Such strips should be dropped into the urine, and then inserted into a special device to find out the result.
  4. Finally, modern electronic tests determine ovulation by the composition of the girl's saliva. A small amount of the test substance is placed on the lens and the result is determined using a special sensor.

How correctly to make the test for ovulation?

To carry out the test for ovulation should not be exactly like a pregnancy test. Unlike the latter, a study to identify the ovulatory period is done in the morning and in the evening until the determination of the "peak" moment. This is because the concentration of luteinizing hormone in a woman's blood is constantly changing and can reach a maximum at different times of the day.

Testing time can be any in the range of 10 to 20 hours, but it is best to use the test when the bladder is full, and the last urination occurred more than 3 hours ago. However, the morning portion of urine, which is released immediately after awakening, is strictly not suitable for the study.

Begin to do such tests should be exactly 17 days before the start of the expected monthly. Girls with an irregular cycle may find it difficult to determine the period required for testing, so it is better for them to give preference to another method of detecting ovulation.

The technology of the test depends on its variety. The result in most cases is estimated based on the number of manifested strips - if ovulation has already occurred, two bright strips will appear on the device. If the indicator is only one, it is recommended to repeat the test in about 12 hours.