Funny contests at the table

Celebrating a birthday or any other date sometimes comes to a standstill. Guests have already eaten and sit at the table no reason, but various kinds of outdoor games or competitions will not be helpful. In order not to sit idle and cheer up guests, you can prepare competitions and drawings at the table in advance.

Interesting contests at the table

There are many ways to please your guests with fun games and do not make them constantly get up from the table. We offer some of the most successful contests for the holiday at the table, which are very simple and do not require long preparations.

  1. The most famous and quite popular game today is the Mafia. It is suitable for a company with six or more people. It is played with pleasure by more mature people and youth.
  2. If you need to prepare competitions for a holiday at a table where guests are not too familiar with each other, this can be the theme of the game. For example, you let a roll of toilet paper or hand towels around in a circle. Each guest tears off as many pieces as he likes. The paper is circling until the roll is finished. And then each guest tells as many stories as he has these pieces. It can be funny stories from life, stories about yourself or just funny jokes.
  3. Interesting contests at the table can be invented from existing ones. For example, everyone knows the game in a broken phone. The presenter writes a phrase or an entire sentence on a sheet of paper and shows the rest to only one word. Next, the next participant writes a phrase that came to him after reading the last word. Shows his last word and then the game goes in a circle. In the end, we get rather amusing texts.
  4. Funny contests at the table can be prepared in advance. The easiest way to entertain the public is to present the fairy tales familiar from childhood in a new form. For example, to tell them with the help of some terms from the field of medicine or dry legal terms. A fairy tale with the use of such vocabulary is sometimes much funnier than its original.

The funniest contests at the table

The funniest starts around the second half of the celebration, when the guests are already pretty drunk and just sitting there getting bored. It's time to offer more mobile options.

Competition at the table with notes has a lot of different interpretations and each time it hits the bull's-eye. Since the school's bench, a game with notes has been known. The first person writes only one question (what, why, where?), And the second one answers it. Then we add the sheet according to the accordion principle (so that no previous records are visible). When the sheet is finished, you can read the resulting story. Among the more active amusing contests at the table, guests are drunk with pleasure choosing a game of balls. Each is given a simple straw and a ping-pong ball. Instead of a ball, the crumpled napkins will do. We release enough space on the table and start the race. The task of the participants as quickly as possible is to roll their ball to the finish with a straw (it needs to be blown). You can prepare real tracks with obstacles in the form of plates and glasses.

For funny contests at the table, these tubes for cocktails are used often. You can give them to all the guests and then start a plastic cup in a circle. To pass each other it is possible only with these straws, holding in the mouth. The task is not to miss the glass. Another way to make your guests laugh is to play the riddles. On the sheets of paper we write the names of different animals. Then the player takes out one note and glues it on his forehead, without necessarily reading. His task is to guess with the help of questions what kind of animal he is. Moreover, we ask only those questions to which we can give a direct answer - yes or no.