Red Rowanberry - useful properties

On the mountain ash in the people is composed of many songs and poems. In addition to beauty, it also has a miraculous effect. The healing properties of the red rowan were known to our ancestors, who cooked various broths and tinctures using it. Blooming in May-June, the mountain ash will be ripe late autumn. It is then that you can collect the fruits of ashberry red, useful properties of which are very much appreciated in folk medicine.

Composition of red mountain ash

The composition of berries of mountain ash ordinary (red) includes:

Rowan features

The composition of the mountain ash of red gives it a restoring, strengthening and nutritional effect. Rowan berries can completely saturate a person. They lose their bitterness after the first frosts and become very sweet.

As for the medicinal properties of red mountain ash, here it is practically not equal among other berries. It has a positive effect on many systems of our body.

The vitamin P contained in the berries provides the medicinal properties of the redwooded mountain ash for the nervous system. Using them you can prevent depression, stress, irritability, insomnia and other consequences of bad nerves.

Preparing the broth with berries of mountain ash, you can treat the kidney and bladder. This remedy is not only a diuretic, but also actively removes excess bile and stones. Therefore, with the help of it, the diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts, as well as the liver, are treated.

The properties of red mountain ash are also valued for the haemostatic effect. In particular, rowan juice stops hemorrhages, relieves edema, fights microbes and cancers. Rowberry juice I drink with constipation, because it has a laxative effect. He quickly relieves rheumatic pains.

Recipes with red ashberry

Having prepared several folk recipes, one can feel the useful properties of red mountain ash. For example, taking a syrup from a rowanberry juice, you can get rid of constipation and kidney stones. In addition, it is a natural and safe diaphoretic.

Rowan juice is used for various bleeding, anemia and other diseases of the blood and circulatory system, malignant tumors, hemorrhoids , gout, asthenia and arrhythmia. One teaspoon of juice before a meal is taken to increase the acidity of the stomach.

An infusion of ashberry berries filled with boiling water, after cooling, is taken against allergic reactions and as a multivitamin.

Alcohol tincture also demonstrates its medicinal properties of mountain ash red. In addition, tincture (1 part of berries of mountain ash and 10 parts of alcohol or vodka) increases appetite. It is taken on a teaspoon g three times a day and washed down with a small amount of water.

Rowan syrup is prepared as follows:

  1. 100 g of berries are poured into 200 ml of water and insisted for 4 hours.
  2. After that, add sugar syrup.

Similarly, you can cook mors or sweet tincture, crumbly soaked in boiling water berries, wringing out the resulting mass and adding sugar to taste.

Honey, made from berries of mountain ash, not only smells pleasant, but also improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is effective for catarrhal diseases and restores metabolism.

Contraindications to the use of berries of mountain ash red

Rowan can not be used with increased acidity of the stomach or clotting of blood, people suffering from coronary disease and survived a stroke or heart attack.