Rose tattoo

Tattoos have always been popular, but today they have become of special interest. Tattoos can be seen on the body of almost every second of the fair sex. Roses in tattoos are considered almost the most popular motif. There are a lot of different interpretations of this picture. What actually symbolizes the tattoo of a rose on a woman's body, we will tell in the article.

What does a rose tattoo mean?

This is the most common flower symbol by which the fair sex people prefer to decorate their body. At different times, the rose in the tattoo was treated differently. For example, people who lived in the XVI century, this flower was associated with the prison. All due to the fact that the rose was stuffed on the bodies of prisoners sentenced to death.

And yet, in most nations, the rose on the hand or any other part of the female body is associated with innocence, beauty, femininity, passion, love:

  1. For the ancient Greeks, the rose became the symbol of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. The white rose symbolizes pure and sincere love.
  2. The interpretation of the symbol in Ancient Egypt was similar. But instead of Venus (it is Aphrodite), the flower symbolized Isis, the goddess, who was considered the patroness of the feminine principle and motherhood.
  3. Europeans tattoo roses on the leg, arm, shoulder, back often called Mystic Rose. Until now, many associate this flower with the holy image of the Virgin Mary. A tattoo of a red rose with fallen petals is considered to be a symbol of the crucified Jesus. Petals - drops of blood, sprinkled the earth after the crucifixion.
  4. An interesting explanation for tattoos with roses was invented by the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. For the Chinese, a rose on a tattoo is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. In addition, the flower is considered the embodiment of the female and masculine principle, or, more simply, yin-yang.
  5. Romans in tattoos with roses laid a secret and mysterious meaning. Wilted flower in Rome was considered a symbol of the kingdom of the dead. He is a reminder that life is too fleeting.
  6. In Italy, the rose is associated with the spring.

Modern treatment of tattoos with roses

Of course, ladies tattoos with roses do much more often, although sometimes this symbol can be found on the male body. Color and even the most insignificant elements of tattoos with roses matter:

  1. The white rose symbolizes trepidation and innocence.
  2. Tattoos with a red rose on the neck or on the thigh are made by passionate and self-confident representatives of the fair sex.
  3. Blue roses are more to the liking of extraordinary, bright, self-confident people.
  4. Tattoos with yellow roses can be treated in different ways. Some believe that this is a symbol of parting and separation, while others think that a yellow flower can mean nothing but happiness.
  5. Pink color in the tattoo is associated with sincere gratitude.
  6. Black roses are preferred by representatives of the so-called gloomy category of people. Basically, for those who do tattoos with black flowers, sadness is the normal state of the soul, and death is associated with a happy eternity and peace.

A tattoo with roses without thorns on the shoulder is a sign that the owner is in love with her. The presence of thorns shows that a person is distinguished by a subtle spiritual way of life, and he follows very closely the state of his inner world.

The more leaves on the tattoo, the happier its owner. Roses in buds most often denote popularity, universal love and glory. And flowers with a straight and sturdy stem are preferred by people who are strong in spirit, distinguished by a strong character. To do tattoos of a rose it is possible and on a hip , and on arms or hand, and on legs or foots - in general, there where it will be desirable.