Kim Kardashian is pregnant!

Famous American actress, participant of the reality show and secular lioness Kim Kardashian became famous not only for her star career. Celebrity is also popular for its busy and scandalous personal life. And not surprisingly. After all, such a beautiful girl simply can not remain without attention from the opposite sex.

The first sensational news about Kim was her three marriages. It seemed that the model is so unstable in relations with husbands. Gossip was also about the fact that Kim Kardashian does not value family life at all, but pays all his attention to his career and business. After all, Kardashian's first marriage lasted four years, and the second - only seventy-two days. But these conversations stopped when the star concluded a third marriage with renowned rapper Kanye West. At the time of the wedding, the couple had a daughter who was born the year before the official legalization of relations with Kim Kanye. After living another year in a marriage union, the star couple announced that Kim Kardashian is pregnant with a second baby.

Kim Kardashian is pregnant with a second child

Journalists and the press began to wonder whether Kim Kardashian was pregnant, when the secular lioness was greatly rehabilitated. By the way, the forms of the actress have always been quite appetizing. But the girl was never distinguished by a lack of waist and excessive roundness of the hips and abdomen. May 31, 2015, the couple officially announced the expectation of a second child. A month later it became known that in the family of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West will be a boy. For today, according to the actress herself, her state of health is excellent, if you do not pay attention to intensive weight gain . Although Kardashian is going to cope with this problem immediately after childbirth.

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Well, there is not much time left until the happy event. In the meantime, one can only wish Kim an easy pregnancy and childbirth.