White discharge and itching

Gynecological diseases are very diverse, and often the same symptom can be a sign of several different ailments. That's why if you find any unusual and unpleasant symptoms women are always advised to contact a gynecologist.

One of these "controversial" signs are white discharge from the genital tract, burning, itching. They can testify about such diseases as vaginal candidiasis (thrush), bacterial vaginosis, gardnerellez and others. In order to determine the cause of the appearance of white secretions and pruritus and prescribe treatment, doctors always conduct a gynecological examination and prescribe appropriate tests ( smear on flora , cytology, analysis for hidden infections). But in order to correctly tell the doctor about their complaints, a woman should have at least minimal information about possible options for the development of events.


The main symptoms of thrush are strong white curdled vaginal discharge with lumps of the vagina and itching. There may also be a sour smell and painful urination.

Thrush is a fungal disease and is caused by fungi of the "candida" type. Diagnosis of this disease can a gynecologist on a routine examination. As for the causes of candidiasis, they usually consist of the following:

Treating thrush with antifungal drugs, and it should be borne in mind that the therapy must simultaneously pass both partners, otherwise it will be ineffective.

Bacterial vaginosis

This disease is very similar to thrush, but it has some differences: itching and burning are usually absent, and the discharge can be white and curd, greenish or gray, and they are usually thicker in consistency. Also, women are often concerned about the unpleasant odor of discharge, reminiscent of the smell of foul fish.

Vaginosis begins to develop as a result of a decrease in the number of lactobacilli in the composition of the vaginal microflora. This happens with hormonal disorders, as well as due to prolonged use of oral contraceptives and spermicides. Bacterial vaginosis is not a venereal disease, but often accompanies sexually transmitted infections and is their "side effect". Therefore, if a smear indicates the presence of this disease, the patient is usually prescribed also tests for hidden infections.

Vaginosis is treated in two sets: first, antimicrobial agents eliminate the causative agents of the disease, and then, by taking lactobacilli (tablets, capsules, vaginal suppositories), the microflora of the vagina is restored.


White discharge and a slight itch of the labia may mean that you have gardnerellez - a sexually transmitted disease and unpleasant for both women and men. Women usually complain of an unpleasant smell and too abundant discharge, and also gardnerellez can lead to the formation of cervical erosion and inflammation of the urethra. In men, this disease can also be manifested by secretions and provoke gardnerelleous urethritis.

This disease is treated with antibacterial drugs. Also, funds are needed to improve immunity and prevent thrush after antibiotics.