Feeding baby from 3 months old

Three groups of foods are called complementary foods, which gradually replace baby milk feeding:

All the rest, with what the child will get acquainted in the first year of life is more correctly called "nutrition proofers". Many modern pediatricians believe that it is worth about 6 months to start feeding a baby. But due to some circumstances (lack of milk from the mother, maternal illness, prematurity, etc.), it is necessary to introduce the first lure in 3 months.

Complementary scheme from 3 months

Where to start and what kind of lure to choose in 3 months? It should be understood that the approach to each child should be individual. Most often start lure with fruit or vegetable mashed potatoes. If there is a problem with weight gain, then it's worth starting to introduce the baby to dairy-free cereals, which do not contain gluten (a protein contained in cereals) - buckwheat, rice and corn.

In this way, you can introduce the baby to mashed potatoes or porridge. But do not forget about the gradualness - in one week only one new product and only after you are convinced that the child has adapted to the previous food. And watch the chair, if it has changed, then you are in a hurry, or the product "did not go" to the child.

Previously it was accepted as a first acquaintance with adult food to give juice. But modern specialists have proved that the fruit acids contained in the juice in a large amount have a bad effect on the gastric mucosa, although in all the recommendations and tables on the introduction of complementary foods, the "juice" graph remains.

To make it easier to understand what the child's diet should be 3 months, we will give you a table.

It is worth considering that the table and the scheme of introducing complementary foods are approximate. The table in general was developed back in 1999 and has not been adjusted since. More detailed and individual menu, you need, without hesitation, to discuss with your pediatrician!

Mode and norm of food in 3 months

If the child is on artificial feeding, then at 3 months is best to stick to the schedule, in which breaks between meals are not less than 3.5 hours. Artificial mixtures are absorbed longer than breast milk, hence the time interval.

While fully breastfed, doctors advise also to adhere to 6-7 single-feeding. But, in this case, no one forbids feeding more often if it is necessary for the child.

And now let's calculate how much the child should eat about a day and for one meal. Normally the baby 3 months should eat about 1/6 of its weight per day. If, for example, a child weighs 6 kg, then for a day he should eat about 1000 grams. We divide 1000 g by the number of feedings per day and we get the volume of one feeding. This is not a complicated arithmetic.


Remember that you can not introduce complementary foods and new dishes, if the child is sick or you know that a planned vaccination is due in the near future.