Baby's weight in 9 months

Monthly visits to the children's polyclinic can not do without mandatory weigh-in. And my mother wants to know if her baby falls within the limits of medical standards or not. The weight of a child in 9 months is an indicator of whether he is eating and developing correctly .

The weight of a child is 9 months

Mummy in appearance can not always adequately assess whether her baby is gaining weight well. For a clear definition, there is a WHO table, where the corresponding box indicates the child's weight in 9 months, which should be between 6.5 kg and 11 kg. These are averaged figures, since they affect the upper and lower limits of the norm for children of both sexes.

The normal weight of a child is 9 months for each child. After all, some have already been born heroes, whereas their peers are much smaller. Therefore, large children will always be ahead, although the small, small children sometimes catch them up by the end of the first year of life.

Again, it all depends on the health of the particular child, on his ability to digest food, the presence or absence of disease, and the quality of nutrition. Someone for a long time does not want to reduce the number of attachments per day to the chest, and the other children have almost moved to an adult table. All this leaves its imprint on the fact that the scales will show during weighing.

How much should a boy weigh in 9 months?

According to the WHO guidelines, boys are supposed to weigh from 7.1 kg to 11 kg at the age of nine months. But according to the tables of domestic doctors, to which some district pediatricians still resort, the norm is from 7.0 kg to 10.5 kg. The difference is small, but it does exist.

How much should a girl weigh in 9 months?

For girls, the figures are about 500 grams less. So, according to the WHO norm it is from 6.5 kg to 10.5 kg, and by national standards 7.5 kg to 9.7 kg. If there is a deviation of 6-7% of the norm, then this is perfectly normal and you do not need to panic. When the difference is slightly more, namely 12-14%, it is called a small underweight or overweight, which needs to be adjusted by changing the baby's food. But if the weight is more or less by 20-25%, they already talk about the health problems, and in this case it is necessary to develop a scheme for treating the baby along with the district pediatrician.