Washing your nose at home

Rinsing the nose is an unpleasant procedure, but extremely useful. She has known many since childhood. Then we could not appreciate all its advantages. But today, washing the nose at home even for those who in the childhood of this procedure flinched like fire, became the number one remedy for the treatment of colds, colds, flu.

The most effective means for washing the nose

As practice has shown, this procedure helps many people get rid of the cold better than expensive modern drugs. Wash solutions favorably influence the nasal mucosa, irrigate it, clearing of pus, mucus and washing out all harmful microorganisms.

Efficiency, harmlessness, availability is far from a complete list of the benefits of washing the nose at home. If you perform the procedure immediately after the onset of the disease, the infection will be more difficult to spread through the body, respectively, the recovery will occur sooner, and the patient will become less infectious.

Apply rinsing with these diagnoses:

Specialists recommend also to conduct washing for preventive purposes.

Use for washing the nose can be folk and pharmacy:

  1. Well proven solution of sea ​​salt . Prepare it at home is easy. Salt is sold at the pharmacy. The floor of a teaspoon of it add in a glass of water and stir. The solution should not be too concentrated, so if it will mite the mucosa, dilute it with water. If there is no possibility to find sea salt, do not be afraid - use a common cookery solution.
  2. Perfect means - Furatsilin. This antimicrobial drug, which in pharmacies is sold already in the form of a solution. But if necessary, you can use Furatselin in tablets - one thing you crush and pour a glass of hot, purified water.
  3. A well-known folk remedy for washing the nose - herbal solutions: chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. The only condition - before washing, the broth must be filtered through cheesecloth, so that the finished solution is clean.
  4. To wash the nose, you can also use a ready-made drug solution. In addition to sea salt, its composition usually includes essential oils.
  5. Helps in the treatment of the common cold and ordinary saline solution.

How to properly wash your nose at home?

Today, special devices for nasal lavage have already been invented, but in principle, it is quite possible to cope without them. You can replace them with an ordinary syringe or syringe. There is another alternative, which is used for Indian washing technology, - special teapots.

For the procedure of washing the nose of the house is best suited bathroom:

  1. Lean over the sink or bathtub.
  2. Insert a wash solution into a syringe or syringe and slowly enter into one nostril. If you do everything right, the liquid will pour out of the other nostril.
  3. Do the same with the second nostril.

With a pronounced edema of the nose, so that the procedure is more effective, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictive drops.

If you are afraid to do the washing, you can cheat a little: tilt the head back, pour a little solution into the nose, and after a half-minute, blow your nose thoroughly.

The washing liquid should be at an optimum temperature - not too hot, but not ice. Do not worry if part of the solution gets into the throat - this is quite normal, especially for beginners. To avoid this, try to relax as much as possible during washing.