Causes of Autism in Children

Autism - this is a fairly serious violation of the mental development of children, which is characterized by a disorder of motor skills and speech, as well as stereotyped behavior and activities. All this can adversely affect the social interaction of the sick child with other children and adults.

The organism of each person is individual, and if for some people autism is a real problem that very much interferes with normal life activity, both in childhood and adulthood, for others it is just an insignificant feature of the psyche that only close ones know about.

In any case, if there is a suspicion that the child develops autism, he must necessarily undergo treatment under the vigilant supervision of a specialist, and the earlier this disease is detected, the higher the likelihood that it will not interfere with the baby in the future.

Most parents, for the first time knowing that their son or daughter are suspected of this serious ailment, fall into depression and begin to blame themselves for this. In fact, the causes of the onset and development of autism in children have not been accurately identified to date, and the genetic predisposition is only a factor that can aggravate the course of the disease, but not provoke it.

In this article, we will try to answer the question, why children with autism in some cases are born even in absolutely healthy parents.

Why does autism occur in children?

Although the medicine does not stand still, the etiology of this disease is not fully understood, and it is almost impossible to answer why children are born with autism. Many people believe that the following causes can contribute to the onset and development of this illness:

In fact, these causes, including vaccinations, do not cause autism in children, although this theory is so widespread that some young parents refuse to vaccinate their babies, fearing the development of this serious illness.

It is also not proven that the genetic predisposition influences the development of this disease. According to statistics, both in healthy and in sick parents, autistic babies are born with the same probability.

However, clinical studies have confirmed that the occurrence of a predisposition to autism is affected by various complications of pregnancy in a future mother, as well as viral infections carried during the waiting period of the baby. In addition, the sex of the child is of great importance - in boys, this ailment is found 4-5 times more often than in girls.