Pain in the abdomen in early pregnancy

Many women who are in the position are often concerned about the pains in the lower abdomen, which appear mainly in the early stages of pregnancy. It is worth noting that this kind of phenomenon is not always a sign of pathology. That is why the main task of doctors is to determine the cause of the development of pain.

What causes pain in the abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy?

So, all the reasons for the development of pain in the lower abdomen at short terms can be conditionally divided into physiological and pathological.

Let us first consider the physiological, i.e. Those, which in their essence are not a violation.

Painful sensations, in most cases observed at the beginning of pregnancy, may indicate a hormonal reorganization in the body of a woman. That is why, sometimes, pain in the lower abdomen is regarded by many as a sign of pregnancy. In order to make sure of this, it is enough to make a simple pregnancy test.

In such cases the pains are short, not very strong, they are periodic, not prolonged. As a rule, in 2-3 weeks they by themselves disappear. If a woman's period was very painful before pregnancy, then during pregnancy she can experience painful pains in the early stages.

Another frequent cause of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be an ordinary swelling, which is quite often observed at this time. In order to get rid of it, you need to adjust your diet.

A much greater concern of doctors is the severe pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy when they are associated with any kind of disorder. So, this kind of symptomatology is characteristic for such a violation, as a frozen pregnancy. In addition to the above pain, an indispensable sign of this condition is bleeding, the volume of which, in the first place, depends on the period of pregnancy. At very short terms (2-3 weeks), blood is allocated a little. Therefore, quite often a woman takes it for regular, delayed periods, because she does not know anything about the pregnancy.

The second among the pathological causes of the appearance of pain during pregnancy, which is located in the lower abdomen on the left, may be an ectopic pregnancy. Due to the fact that the left uterine tube is more blood supply than the right oviduct, it is the ovule that gets into it after ovulation. Therefore, in most cases, fertilization occurs in it.

In the case when a fertilized egg does not move to the uterine cavity, but is implanted into the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes, and an ectopic pregnancy develops. This disorder can be accompanied by smearing discharge, strong cramping pains. When an ultrasound in the uterine cavity of the fetal egg is not observed. Treatment of this disorder is performed exclusively by surgical means.

In what other cases can pain appear in the abdomen during pregnancy?

In addition to the above reasons for the emergence of painful sensations, directly related to pregnancy and its course, there are others. So, an example can be chronic cystitis, which is often exacerbated with the onset of pregnancy.

Pyelonephritis can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, it is accompanied by swelling on the face, body. Pregnant women with pyelonephritis are always considered to be at risk. Treat it with antibiotics and in the hospital.

Thus, there are many reasons for the appearance of abdominal pain during pregnancy. It is almost impossible to determine the cause of their appearance independently by a woman. Therefore, it is very important with the appearance of the first painful sensations to contact the doctor who will conduct the examination and will appoint the necessary examination.