Why can not pregnant women change a cat's toilet?

Quite often, women in the situation hear from different sources that pregnant women can not change the cat's toilet, although they do not understand why. Let's try to figure out what can be dangerous for pregnant contacts with a pet such as a cat.

What is dangerous contact with the cat during the bearing of the baby?

In this case, it is dangerous for pregnant women not to contact with a domestic pet, like what parasitizes in his body. In particular, the fears of doctors are associated with the possibility of infection with toxoplasmosis , the causative agent of which is Toxoplasma gondii.

This single-celled microorganism parasitizes in the intestines of cats. That is why a large number of causative agents of toxoplasmosis is contained in their feces. These animals are the main hosts. The intermediate host in the cycle of development of this pathogen is the organism of the dog, man, cow, horse. They have toxoplasma "cork" in the muscle tissue, in the hope that it will be eaten. Therefore, infection can also occur when eating poor-quality beef, for example.

What is the probability of infection with toxoplasmosis from pets?

According to statistics provided by leading veterinarians, infection with toxoplasma as a result of contact with their own pets is 1 case out of 100. It is this fact that explains why pregnant women can not clean a cat's toilet.

Moreover, in some western countries, doctors recommend that contact with any pets during pregnancy should be avoided. After all, for example, infection with the same toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage or various (cerebral) abnormalities in the child during intrauterine development.

Is it possible to clean the feline toilet for pregnant women?

Quite often, future mothers ask this question to their doctors because besides them there is practically no one to take care of the pet. The answer to somebody is categorical enough and negative. However, let's try to figure it out, really.

The thing is that the cat secretes toxoplasm only once in its life, and usually it happens at a young age. Then he develops immunity and the testicular toxoplasm he no longer secretes.

But most owners have no idea if their pet has had this disease or not. That's why doctors and argue that pregnant women can not clean the cat's toilet, in order to protect themselves from possible consequences.