The first trimester of pregnancy is fetal development

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period from conception to the end of the twelfth week. The microscopic rudiments of organs and systems manage to form in the fetus until the woman learns of her interesting position. The development of the fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy is not very noticeable for others, but the future baby, which is still called the fetus, grows in the womb quite quickly.

Development of the fetus in the first month of pregnancy

During the first month of carrying out their crumbs, every woman should be very careful and attentive to herself and to the baby. Such attention and care will help to give birth to a healthy and cheerful baby.

So, what happens in the first month of pregnancy? Approximately on the fourth day after fertilization, the egg "gets" to the uterine cavity. At this stage of development, it is a sphere with a liquid and contains about a hundred cells. At the end of the third week, the implantation of the egg into the uterus begins. When this process is completed, the embryo in the first month of pregnancy is usually called the fetus.

Fetal development in the second and third months

During the second and third months of pregnancy, the germs of all internal organs and systems of the child are laid. At the end of the third month, each organ of the baby has at least one cell, and the circulatory system has almost finished its formation. Also in this there is the following:

Typically, in the first trimester at 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is common to do fetal screening . For this, an ultrasound is performed and the mother's blood test is performed. Such methods make it possible to determine the presence of a child with chromosomal or genetic disorders. The thickness of the cervical fold, the heartbeat of the crumbs and the pulse are also examined. Also in this way, you can determine the correspondence of the height and weight of the fetus to the term of pregnancy.

With the help of a blood test, the content of the β-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin and plasma protein can be determined. If the results showed deviations from the norm, this may indicate the presence of VLP and genetic pathology in the baby.