Cystitis in pregnancy - treatment

Often, the elated mood during pregnancy is overshadowed by infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, which pose a certain danger to the health of the mother and fetus. Among them, cystitis occurs most often and this gives the future mother a huge number of problems.

Acute and chronic cystitis in pregnancy

Symptoms of acute cystitis include a feeling of burning and rubbing with urination, soreness in the lower abdomen, a constant feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. The urine is turbid, sometimes with an admixture of blood, which can serve as a sign of serious damage to the bladder, and possibly, the oncological process. Sometimes, the temperature rises to 37.5 degrees. When the disease progresses, the cystitis passes into a chronic form, whose remissions occur at least twice a year. Most often, the development of chronic cystitis provokes a prolonged stay in the cold and a cold factor. Provoke acute cystitis can elementary failure to comply with the rules of personal hyena, bathing in cold water, rare urination, excessive sexual activity, use of personal hygiene items of another person.

How to treat cystitis in pregnancy?

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women is somewhat difficult, since there are contraindications to the use of most antibiotics. Moreover, it is undesirable to engage in self-medication. Folk remedies help treat cystitis during pregnancy, but will not help get rid of the problem completely.

Most often, the treatment takes place with the help of installations. Just a couple of procedures brings considerable relief in a woman's condition. A positive aspect during such treatment is the absence of influence on fetal development. Among effective drugs for cystitis in pregnancy - Monural, which concentrates in the urine and shortens the duration of treatment. The drug has a minimal amount of side effects and, therefore, is widely used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

Since treatment with cystitis in pregnancy with medication should be used with caution, the course is physiotherapy. Inductothermia, iontophoresis, UHF and a warm hot-water bottle on the abdominal area at home make it possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. A full-fledged treatment is best done after childbirth.

Folk remedies for cystitis in pregnancy

The use of folk recipes is based on their diuretic effect, which makes it possible to withdraw some of the infectious microorganisms along with the urine. Many herbs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, urologists, it is often recommended to take the broths of St. John's wort, calendula, horsetail at the same time with the main treatment.

Nevertheless, it should be remembered that many herbs have toxic properties and are able to accumulate in the body. Therefore, it is worth to clarify that it is possible to drink to pregnant women from cystitis from the treating doctor, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

What is dangerous for cystitis in pregnancy?

Why is the absence of cystitis treatment in a pregnant woman considered dangerous? Infection can lead to the development of serious diseases, for example, pyelonephritis, which is treated in a hospital. Untreated cystitis leads to painful and quite painful childbirth. Also, the presence of infection can cause deviations in fetal development, such as underweight.