Peanut butter

Ore-fruit plants give a person an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals. But not only the fruits themselves can be eaten. By pressing out of nuts, nut oil is squeezed out, which has innumerable useful properties. Such oil is successfully used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Ways of using oils from nuts

Every housewife in the kitchen should have nut butter, the use of which in cooking has already become a tradition. The oils of any nuts contain a high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, without which it is impossible to eat human nutrition. The oil is used in baking, as a means for frying or dressing for salads - it is only necessary to choose which kind of nut oil you prefer.

Proteins and vegetable fats contained in the nut oil, can use it as a means of losing weight. It is enough to consume oil for food, or 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning to adjust the amount of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the oil improves metabolism and promotes the fastest digestion of food.

Many diseases involve the consumption of oils from nuts. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, thyroid and liver diseases. It can also be used externally. For example, with otitis or sulfur plugs, the nut oil is buried in the ear or oil compresses are used. Mainly preheat before this oil to room temperature.

Cosmetics based on oils

Nut butter is indispensable for hair. Care for dry hair, with split and brittle ends will be easier when using such oils. Oils cover the hair with an invisible coating that helps maintain moisture and nourishes the hair along the entire length. In addition to nutrition and hydration, oils will solve the problem of dandruff and hair loss if applied directly to the scalp.

Walnut oil has useful properties for nails. Insufficient nutrition cuticles and nail growth zone leads to stratification, brittle nail plate and the appearance of burrs. Nut oils, especially when mixing oil of several nuts in one complex, help restore the nails a healthy appearance. Oil carefully nourishes and moisturizes the nails, apparently improving their structure and strength.

The most popular oils

Butter from walnuts is the most affordable. The most common use is in the sun. If you want to achieve an amazing bronze tan, use this oil as a protective agent on the beach. The oil protects from thermal burns and will retain the tan longer.

Oil of pine nuts normalizes blood pressure and is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. If you have dry facial skin, this oil will perfectly cope with this problem, thanks to the increased content of vitamin E.

We make oil ourselves

Unfortunately, oils from nuts are quite an expensive product. But everyone can cook walnut oil at home under a simple recipe. To do this, take any vegetable oil, for example, sunflower or linseed in an amount of 0.5 liters and pour about 50 g of nuts. Insists such oil in a dark glass dish for two weeks. The container must be shaken daily.

Another way to make a small amount of nut butter at home is to scroll the cores through a meat grinder and then squeeze the mass through the cheesecloth. This recipe is suitable if you need a little oil for pinching the skin or instilling drops of oil in your ear.