Treatment of vessels of the head and neck with folk remedies

Feeling of constant fatigue, insomnia and bad mood can be associated with vascular problems. Meanwhile, it is atherosclerosis, spasms and cholesterol plaques that significantly reduce efficiency and cause a general deterioration in well-being. Treatment of the vessels of the head and neck with folk remedies will help you to feel the vigor of spirit and clarity of thought again!

Treatment of angiodystonia of the vessels of the head and neck with herbs

Deterioration of the tone of the blood vessels of the cervical and head can be eliminated with the help of medicinal herbs. The most effective in this matter are such plants as clover, pine shoots and hawthorn fruit. It is better to use them not in a complex, but separately. Here is a recipe based on pine:

  1. Take 25 centimeters of fresh, or dried young shoots of pine. These kidneys fill with boiling water, cover and insist for 3 hours. The water will need about 1.5 liters.
  2. If the shoots are softened, heat treatment can be stopped, otherwise you should put the container on a weak fire and cook until the kidneys become soft.
  3. At this stage in the broth should be added 1 kg of granulated sugar and scrolled through the meat grinder fresh lemons. The optimal ratio of 3-4 small fruit.
  4. Bring the syrup to a boil. As soon as it cools down, you can start treatment - eat before each meal 1 tablespoon of this remedy.

Flowers of clover field and hawthorn fruits can be brewed instead of tea. In a day it is recommended to use no more than 1.5 hours of spoons of dry raw materials.

Cleaning of the vessels of the head and neck with folk remedies

Treatment of atherosclerosis of the neck vessels with folk remedies provides for cleansing of cholesterol. First of all, this is adherence to a special diet:

  1. Completely reject the flour and sweet.
  2. Do not eat greasy, fried and smoked dishes.
  3. Go to raw, or boiled vegetables, rich in fiber - broccoli, beets, cabbage.
  4. Take for a rule to eat a day at least 1 fresh fruit and 1 glass of any seasonal berries.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, give up coffee, tea, chocolate, carbonated drinks.
  6. Use cereals with a low hypoglycemic index - buckwheat, millet, unpolished rice.

Very good helps to clean the vessels holding Unloading days several times a week. During the day you should eat only one product. Here are the most useful for our purposes: