Aspen bark - useful properties and application

Aspen is a widely distributed deciduous tree, which belongs to the family of willow trees, which is found almost everywhere in the territory of our country. This tree has long been used in medicine of many peoples, and, in addition, some medicines are made on the basis of derivatives of active substances contained in aspen material (for example, acetylsalicylic acid). For treatment use leaves, branches, roots, kidneys and bark. Let us consider in more detail what are the therapeutic properties of the aspen bark, as well as the recipes for the preparation of medicines based on this raw material.

Useful properties of the human aspen bark and its application

The following chemical substances were found in the bark of this tree:

Thanks to this set of substances, the aspen bark has the following healing properties:

The list of diseases in which internal or topical application of preparations from aspen bark is recommended includes:

Harvesting of aspen bark

Harvesting bark of aspen is best during the period of sap flow, when it has the most useful qualities. This period usually falls on April. Cut the young bark of branches and trunk, having a thickness of about 0.5 cm, for which it is recommended to use sharp sharpened knife (in this case it is necessary to cut and remove the bark so as not to catch the wood). The collected bark is cut into pieces 3-4 cm long and dried under a canopy or in an oven.

Recipes of medicinal preparations on the basis of aspen bark



Preparation and use

Shredded raw materials pour cold water, put on a stove and, after waiting for a boil, boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, drain. Take three times - four times a day before meals, dividing the entire amount of broth into equal portions.

Alcohol tincture


Preparation and use

Floured into powder cortex placed in a container of glass and pour vodka, shake thoroughly. Put in a dark place, covered with a lid, for 14 days, periodically shaken. Further filter. Take thrice a day before a meal of 20 droplets diluted in a small amount of clean water.



Preparation and use

To set fire to the dried bark, take 10 g of ash obtained after burning. Mix the ash with a fatty base, place in a glass jar with a lid. Apply for treatment of external ulcers, eczema, wounds several times a day.

Contraindications to the use of aspen bark

It is not recommended to use this folk remedy in such cases: