Bake in the oven

An airy and sweet meringue is a favorite delicacy of many, which requires the right cooking technology, in fact, like most other confectionery products. Actually, in this article, we'll talk about how to cook meringues in the oven and properly shake the merengue for its base.

How to whip the meringue?

Before you melt the meringue in the oven, you need to whip the meringue - the basis of the meringue of proteins and eggs - and even do it right. So, merenga is divided into 3 types, each of which is different as a technology of preparation, and a way of further application. These 3 types include Italian, Swiss and French meringues, the latter is just used to prepare meringues.

For the correct French meringue, you need to calculate the weight of sugar and protein in a ratio of 2: 1. Before cooking, the eggs should warm to room temperature (as they prefer to beat and keep the shape), so beforehand, take them out of the refrigerator about an hour before whipping. Whisk and whisk, or mixer, thoroughly wash and dry, make sure that there is no fat left on them, which significantly hinders whipping. If you drop at least a drop of yolk in the protein - a guarantee that the merenga will not break for the same reasons. Yolk, as a nutritious component of a chicken egg contains a lot of fat, which, as we have already found out, is not a friend of merengue.

And finally, a little tip, add a little citric acid to the eggs and sugar, about 1/8 of a spoonful. The acid stabilizes the protein, and it keeps the shape perfectly.

For meringues, the concepts of "soft peaks", "middle peaks" and "solid peaks", which characterize the type of protein mass hanging from the corolla, are often applicable. To make meringue, meringue is beaten up to "solid peaks," that is, to the point where you raise the corolla upward and the protein keeps it confidently, without trailing "tail" after it. However, take care not to perevzbivat mass - merenga should remain smooth and shiny.

The recipe for meringue in the oven

Now go directly to how to cook meringue in the oven.



Proteins of room temperature start whipping with a mixer at medium speed, until they form soft peaks. After that add sugar and acid to the mass, and continue to whisk already at high speed until solid peaks. The finished meringue remains moist and has a glossy sheen.

Now you can put the mass for meringue in a confectionery bag and give the light dessert the desired shape on a baking sheet (grease does not grease the pan!). Beze can be baked in both an electric and a gas oven - this is not a principle.

Let's figure out how much to bake meringue in the oven, and at what temperature. 100 degrees for 1-2 hours, depending on the size portions of dessert. In general, meringue preparation in the oven goes on until the meringue becomes crispy on the outside and inside.

Actually, we figured out how to make and bake meringue in the oven, but since the "pure" dessert itself is quite boring, we recommend adding some supplements to the protein mass, for example, grated chocolate, ground nuts, or a couple of drops of food coloring . Ready meringues can be cemented together with caramel, ganache, cream, or orange jam , decorated with various fruits, or cook the famous Pavlov cake. In a word, meringue is a flight for fantasy and a dessert for real sweet tooth.