Because of what can be observed late delivery?
First of all, it is necessary to say that in midwifery, it is said about perenashivanii only in the case when the pregnancy lasts 42 weeks or more. Upon reaching this period, as a rule, doctors conduct stimulation of the birth process.
As for the direct causes of this situation, when 41 weeks of pregnancy are already going on, and there are no signs of impending delivery, first of all it is necessary to exclude the calculation error.
The thing is that quite often the doctor, counting the period of pregnancy, is mistaken in view of the fact that the future mother calls the inaccurate date of the last menstruation. This often happens with those women who have an irregular menstrual cycle.
Also among the reasons for possible late delivery is worth noting:
- polyhydramnios;
- water scarcity;
- multiple pregnancy.
It is worth saying that when a woman has a second birth, then at 41 weeks of gestation, there may not be any signs of an approaching birth process. In such cases, the so-called rapid delivery is common, when the outflow of amniotic fluid is observed with the first contractions. In such cases, the child appears in the light for 3-5 hours.
What are the signs of an early delivery?
The first thing that a woman observes is the abdominal depression, which is associated with a change in the position of the fetal body. Typically, this is noted 2-3 weeks before the onset of labor. However, in the case of mole rats, omission may occur in just a few hours and the onset of the first fights.
Departure of the mucous plug is one of the main signs of an early birth. As a rule, its output is noted for 10-14 days before the baby's birth. However, in some women this happens before the very outpouring of amniotic fluid, i.e. literally a few hours before the first bouts.
The appearance of soreness in the lumbar region, which gives into the perineum, also indicates the early onset of labor.
However, a clear sign of the onset of the birth process are contractions. Quite often, especially women, giving birth for the first time, confuse them with training, which can be observed at the 20th week of gestation. They, unlike generic ones, have a lower intensity, arise at any time, never increase and have a non-constant interval, i.e. are noted through different time intervals.
Generic same bouts have the same interval, which over time is shortened, but the bout itself becomes longer. When the interval reaches 7-10 minutes, the woman needs to go to the maternity hospital.
What to do if pregnant, when there are no signs of delivery at week 41?
First of all, it is necessary to exclude any kind of panic and experience. At this time, the baby is fully ready for birth, - all organs and systems are formed, so you should not worry.
As a rule, in those cases when there are no signs of delivery at the term of 41 weeks of pregnancy, the woman is placed in a hospital. Here the future mother is under the control of doctors. If the opening of the cervix is not observed at the beginning of 42 weeks, doctors prescribe stimulation of the birth process.