MRI of the cervical spine

The condition of the cervical vertebrae is essential in the normal functioning of the whole organism, because important vessels and nerves pass through them. They act as a link between the body and the human head. Therefore, if there are any problems with the cervical spine, pathological processes can spread to the area of ​​the head, heart, respiratory and digestive system.

One of the most common causes of diseases of the cervical spine is a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. The first signals that the cervical section is subjected to increased stress, and pathological processes begin to develop in it, is pain in the neck and back. In the future, this symptom may be added:

What is MRI of the cervical spine of a person?

The most modern and revealing way to diagnose and diagnose an accurate diagnosis for problems in the cervical spine is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Let us consider in more detail what kind of technique this is, and why today experts strongly recommend making an MRI of the cervical (cervicothoracic) spine in the presence of anxiety symptoms.

The MRI method is based on the physical phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance, which occurs when electromagnetic waves act in a constant magnetic field of high intensity. The possibilities of this diagnosis are superior to other methods of quality, informativity, and safety (the method is not associated with x-ray and ultrasound radiation).

MRI is performed in a special apparatus in the form of a tube and a table, on which the patient lies. The device is equipped with a modern computer system that creates a detailed image of the organs and tissues under investigation. As a result of examination of the cervical spine, MRI images are obtained, somewhat similar to X-ray, but containing more comprehensive information.

MRI of the cervical spine is recommended for the following pathologies:

In some cases, an intravenous contrast agent is required before the procedure. This allows you to identify tumors and problems with blood circulation.

What does MRI scan of the cervical spine?

As a result of the examination, the specialist will receive full information about the condition of the vertebrae, soft tissues, nerves and vessels of the cervical spine. Setting the correct diagnosis is simplified by the ability to localize the problem area with a high level of clarity.

This method allows you to timely detect and put an unmistakable diagnosis for various pathologies of the spine. This increases the chances of recovery, which is especially important when detecting tumors of a different nature.

Contraindications to the MRI of the cervical spine: