30th week of pregnancy - fetal development

At the 30th week of pregnancy, fetal development takes place in the direction of increasing the size of the body and improving actively working organs and systems. So by this time the growth of the baby reaches 36-38 cm, while the body weight, - about 1.4 kg.

What are the characteristics of the child's development at the 30th week of pregnancy?

At this time, the future baby actively trains his respiratory system. This can clearly be seen on the screen of the ultrasound monitor: the chest then descends, then rises, filling with amniotic fluid and then pushing it back. In this way, the muscles are trained, subsequently involved in the act of breathing.

The child is already actively oriented in space. At the same time, his movements become more coherent and conscious.

Eyes are always wide open, so that the kid can easily catch light coming from outside. Cilia already exist in the eyelids.

The growth of the brain continues. The mass of it increases, along with this, there is a deepening of the existing furrows. However, he will actively begin to work only after birth. While in the mother's womb, all the basic functions of a small organism are under the control of the spinal cord and separate structures of the central nervous system.

Pushkin hairs gradually begin to disappear from the surface of the body of the future baby. However, not at all: in some cases, their remnants can be noted even after birth. They completely disappear after a few days.

What does the future mother feel at this time?

At 30 weeks gestation development of the baby as a whole, the mother feels well. However, quite often at the end of the gestational age, women are faced with a phenomenon such as swelling. Every day they need to pay attention. If after a night rest, puffiness on the hands and feet does not subside - you need to see a doctor. Doctors, in turn, recommend to follow the drinking regime, reducing the amount of liquid drunk to 1 liter per day.

Shortness of breath on such a term, is also not uncommon. As a rule, it arises even after a little physical exertion, climbing the stairs. This is noted almost until the very end of gestation. Only 2-3 weeks before delivery, the abdomen falls, which is connected with the entrance of the fetal head into the cavity of the small pelvis. After that, the future mother feels relieved.

As for the fetal movement, at the 30th week of pregnancy and development, the number of them decreases. For a day there should be at least 10 of them.