Insomnia in Pregnancy

Some doctors have come to the conclusion that insomnia is one of the signs of pregnancy. Therefore, from women who already have children, one often hears advice: "Wake up while you have the opportunity!".

To begin with, you need to understand for yourself that insomnia is a symptom that manifests itself in pregnancy, because of the processes in the future mother's body. Quite often, sleep disorders begin in pregnant women in the first trimester. At such early stages of pregnancy, the manifestation of insomnia is associated with hormonal changes in the body. For example, with an increase in the level of progesterone. In turn, with each week of pregnancy, the causes of sleep disorders are increasing. Insomnia at the 38th week of pregnancy is due to the fact that every effort requires great effort. In the lower part of the abdomen there is a feeling of heaviness, and also softening of the cervix. It is not so easy to find a comfortable position for sleep, since the stomach has become large enough. For the same reasons, a woman may suffer from insomnia at the 39th week of pregnancy. And so on until the birth.

The causes of insomnia can be not only physiological, but also psychological.

Among the physiological causes of insomnia during pregnancy include:

The psychological causes of insomnia, manifested during pregnancy, are due to:

Each of these causes can cause a woman to lose sleep. Among other things, they can also be combined. There is quite a lot of tips how to resist insomnia during pregnancy. But do not try to fulfill them all. You will need to select a few that suit your case.

If you are used to a strong and prolonged night's sleep, then in the early stages of pregnancy the appearance of insomnia will cause not only physical discomfort, but also affect your mood during the day. Therefore, the struggle for a normal sleep begins in the morning and do not forget that the quality and duration of sleep depends more on your daily routine.

Try to avoid overexertion. The fatigue that accumulates over the day, sometimes leads to the fact that it is not so easy to relax. If the cause of insomnia during pregnancy are nightmares, tell them about, for example, a husband or mother. It is believed that such a discussion can be an effective tool that helps fight fear of the dreams that torture you.

During the day do not go too often into the bedroom. The type of bed that recalls insomnia can help increase your fear. And it is quite possible that it will not be so easy to fall asleep in the evening. If your regime includes daytime sleep, then it is better to give up this habit for a few days. Or reduce the time it takes to sleep.

There are a number of activities that relate to the so-called sleep hygiene:

And, of course, in the fight against insomnia during pregnancy, it is better not to use such drugs as sleeping pills.