18th week of pregnancy: what is it like to be on the "equator"?

Pregnancy is a complex process of transformation, during which a whole organism is formed from a fertilized egg. Throughout almost the entire period of the embryo undergoes many transformations, changes. Saturated by them and 18 weeks of pregnancy, in which the fetus carries out the first movements.

18 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

This issue often occurs in pregnant women due to confusion in calculating the gestational age. Doctors consider it from the first day of the last month. The term established in this way is usually called obstetric. In practice, conception occurs in the middle of the cycle - about 14 days from the beginning of the cycle. As a result, a difference is formed between the obstetric term and that established by the date of conception.

Given these features, we can say that the 18th week of gestation is the fifth month of pregnancy , more precisely, 4 months and 2 weeks. Thus 18 obstetric week of pregnancy corresponds to 16 physiological, which is calculated by the date of the occurred conception. In practice, doctors use the first type of setting the term, so indicate the duration of pregnancy in obstetric weeks.

18 week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

The fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy becomes more and more like an infant. By this time, fully formed legs, hands, and at their ends are distinguishable phalanges of fingers. On their pillows begins to form a unique pattern. Internal bodies continue their development and improvement, some systems are already fully formed by this time.

Thus, the sexual organs are fully formed. At this time, the doctor can already accurately call the sex of the future baby, but it is impossible to exclude the error. Improved immune system of the fetus, which begins to produce interferon and immunoglobulin, which in the future will protect the body from infections and inflammatory processes.

18 weeks - weight and height of the fetus

When the 18th week of pregnancy begins, the fetus size reaches 20 cm. The fetus is already large, and its further growth will be accompanied by an increase in the volume of the mother's abdomen. At the same time, the body weight of the baby also changes. The child in the fifth month of pregnancy weighs 200-250 g. Every day the baby grows, because of what increases the burden on the mother's body.

Pregnancy 18 weeks - development of the fetus

When the pregnancy is 18 weeks, the development of the future baby is going at a fast pace. At this time, the fetus is already able to distinguish between sounds and hear music. This is confirmed by future mothers who could feel the reaction of the baby to individual musical compositions - the fetus begins to move violently or, on the contrary, freezes, as if listening. Sharp sounds can frighten the baby, so you need to be careful.

The 18th week of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in the child's motor activity, and his movements acquire greater coordination. The baby is able to catch a leg with his hand, can suck a finger, periodically repels from the walls of the uterine cavity and makes swimming movements. Such achievements of the infant are associated with the development of the brain. When the 18th week of pregnancy begins, the body also begins to function as an epiphysis. Its role in the life of the fetus is due to the fulfillment of several important functions:

18th week of pregnancy - wiggling

The fetus begins to make the first movements for 10-12 weeks of gestation, but it is so insignificant that they are not noticed by the pregnant woman herself. Due to the fact that the fetus is small, so the amplitude of the movements it makes is small and can be fixed only on the ultrasound machine. By the age of 15-16 the infant freely floats in the uterus cavity, starting from its walls. In this case, the pregnant woman can feel some tapping, which is barely perceptible.

Explicit movements, tremors women notice closer to the 20th week of pregnancy. Future mothers who have a second child, often fix the first movements on the 18th week of pregnancy. It should be noted that these terms are exemplary, and the indicator itself has an individual character and depends on:

What does a child look like on the 18th week of pregnancy?

The child at the 18th week of gestation resembles a newborn baby. By this time the facial part of the skull is not formed to the end: the fetus is actively growing, so it is difficult to determine the features of similarity with mom or dad. Skin covers of the baby are abundantly covered with fluff, which is involved in the processes of thermoregulation, and have many folds. They are red, because the skin has a small thickness and the underlying blood vessels cause a shade of skin. The baby is transformed at the 18th week of pregnancy - the first hairs appear on his head.

18th Week of Pregnancy - What Happens to Mom?

Telling the pregnant woman about what changes 18 weeks of pregnancy bring with them, what happens to the mother's organism at this time, doctors pay attention to the relative "calm" in the state of health of the future mother. By this time, she is completely accustomed to her position and begins to enjoy this condition. If there was a toxicosis, then by this time he is left behind - the pregnant woman can completely relax and not worry about it.

Pregnancy 18 weeks - development of the fetus and sensation

When eighteen weeks of pregnancy is over, many future mothers are happy to meet the long-awaited phenomenon - the first stirring . Some pregnant women describe it as a slight pleasant tickling, while others fix small tapping on the front abdominal wall, offering to listen to them and their spouse. It's very difficult to catch them at such a time, and more often at the 18th week of pregnancy they appear in the women who have been repeatedly born.

It should be noted that the absence of stirring at this time is not a sign of violations. Doctors always point out the individual characteristics of the development of pregnancy. In addition, there are factors that affect this parameter:

Abdomen at 18 weeks gestation

The abdomen is small in size in the fifth month of pregnancy, but it is already noticeable for the surrounding and close women. The genital organ grows day by day, and its bottom rises higher to the diaphragm. The uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy (its bottom) is set at 2.5 cm below the navel. Gradually, due to the increase in the volume of the genital organ, the center of gravity of the body moves forward.

As a result, during the 18th week of pregnancy, a woman changes her gait: the shoulders spontaneously begin to be retracted. To reduce the burden on the spine, doctors recommend using special supporting panties or shorts, it is possible to use a bandage. This will relieve the lumbar spine, thereby reducing discomfort and pain in the back.

Allocations at 18 weeks gestation

Normally, at a period of 18 weeks, only physiological discharges from the vaginal cavity can be observed. They are light, have a uniform consistency, are transparent, with a whitish shade. Their volume may slightly increase. Change in color, nature, addition of other symptoms (itching, burning, unpleasant smell) indicate possible violations in the reproductive system of a pregnant woman.

So, green, yellow, brown discharge from the vagina in a pregnant woman is a sign of infection of the genital tract. A frequent violation in pregnancy is candidiasis - a disease accompanied by the appearance of cheesy white precipitates. Simultaneously with them, the woman fixes itching, burning. To the increased reproduction of the fungus, which provokes the disease, results in a physiological change in the hormonal background that accompanies pregnancy. It is not uncommon at this time and sexual infections that require appropriate treatment:

Pain at the 18th week of pregnancy

Frequent phenomenon of 5 months of pregnancy are painful sensations in the back and waist. They are due to the increased burden on the vertebral column. Most often the pregnant fix them in the evening hours and after prolonged exertion. Walking, walking, climbing the stairs can provoke the appearance of pain. In order to reduce their intensity, doctors advise:

A great concern of doctors is the situation when in the fifth month of pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled. This symptomatology indicates an increase in the tone of the uterine musculature, which is fraught with the interruption of pregnancy. Against the background of such phenomena, spotting from the vaginal cavity, which may be a sign of partial detachment of the placenta, is also common. This situation requires urgent medical assistance, hospitalization of the pregnant woman and the establishment of a dynamic observation of her health.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks gestation

Ultrasound in the fifth month of pregnancy is carried out for the purpose of early detection of possible defects in the development of the fetus, the appointment of corrective measures. In addition, at this time, with a high degree of probability, the doctor can establish the sex of the future baby. When carrying out ultrasonic diagnostics, the following violations are excluded:

When examining the uterine cavity, a type of placentation is established - a feature and the place of attachment of the placenta to the wall of the uterus. Based on the data obtained, experts assess the risks of possible violations. In parallel, an assessment is made of the degree of physical development of the fetus. Specialists pay attention to:

Sex on week 18

This period of pregnancy is the best time to restore intimate relationships. Due to the risk of interruption of pregnancy, some women, on the advice of a doctor, are forced to refrain from having sexual intercourse during the first trimester. Sex in the fifth month of pregnancy does not pose a threat to the fetus and can deliver a lot of new impressions to the pregnant woman. The stomach is still small in size, and this allows the couple to choose their favorite positions for making love. To avoid the risk of infection, doctors recommend using a condom.

Dangers of the 18th week of pregnancy

The period of 18 weeks of pregnancy is relatively safe. Doctors say: if the fetus survives to the moment of the beginning of the functioning of the placenta, then there are no incompatible with life violations. However, the dangers at this time may lie in wait for the future mother. Among the frequent violations in pregnant women at 5 months should be allocated: