Alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy

Everyone knows that the impact of alcohol on early terms for the fetus is extremely negative. And if a pregnant woman uses it from time to time, then this is completely unacceptable. But it happens that the future mother still does not suspect her situation and can afford to drink several glasses of wine, beer or stronger drinks.

After a while, seeing on the test two strips, the woman with horror understands that she drank alcohol in the first week of pregnancy. What to do in this situation? Do an abortion and get rid of the coveted child or live in anticipation of the birth of a child with possible deviations?

Most often, doctors soothe the woman who used alcohol in ignorance in the early stages. The motive for this is simple - in the first time, when there was no implantation yet , the child did not attach to the wall of the uterus and nothing threatens him.

And even later, while the fetus does not feed through the umbilical cord from the mother (up to 7 weeks), a very small amount of alcohol can get into his body, which should not harm the future baby.

Alcohol - alcohol is different, or not?

It is believed that not every alcohol is harmful in the first weeks of pregnancy. Beer, low-alcohol fizzy drinks, champagne, wine - have a fairly small degree, and therefore not as harmful as vodka or cognac. But such a formulation is fundamentally wrong and misleading future mothers.

The damage does not so much as degrees, but rather the amount drunk. You can after all drink a few liters of beer and be in an absolutely insane state. And in this situation, the beer will equal several glasses of cognac.

Whatever it was, a woman should monitor the health of the baby from the very conception. But if alcohol consumption took place, then this is not a reason for panic, but the situation when you need to carefully go through all the tests and screenings to make sure that the baby is not hurt.