1 month of pregnancy

This gestational period, like 1 month of pregnancy, is the initial stage. It is at this time that the main processes take place, in particular implantation, on the success of which the further development of pregnancy directly depends. After all, conception does not always go into the gestational process. Quite often, at a small time, because of the disruption of the implantation process, spontaneous miscarriage is noted.

Most women in such cases do not even know that the ovum has been fertilized, and take spotting for extraordinary monthly. However, in women who do not have problems with the reproductive system, this happens rarely. Let's take a closer look at the initial stage of gestation and we will dwell in detail on such points as the signs of pregnancy appearing at 1 month, almost immediately after conception, as well as the size of the abdomen. Let's talk about how the future mother feels during this period.

What characterizes the first month of bearing a baby?

As is known, fertilization is possible only in the case of the presence of ovulation in the female body, as well as with high content of healthy and active spermatozoa in the male ejaculate. Thus, after the meeting of the male and female sex cells, their nuclei come into contact, as a result of which a fusion of 46 chromosomes is observed, which are divided into pairs. It is from this moment that all physical characteristics and external features of the future organism are determined.

As a result of the fusion of the two sex cells, a zygote is formed, which is inherently a daughter cell and gives rise to a future organism. Active division of it is noted still on the way to the uterine cavity, i.e. in the fallopian tube, where the process of fertilization usually takes place. After 3 days, 32 cells are formed from 1 zygote. At this stage, the implantation process takes place - the introduction of the fetal egg into the uterine myometrium. It is from this moment that pregnancy begins.

By active division already by week 3 after fertilization, the size of the embryo increases in diameter to 0.1-0.2 mm, and the number of its cells reaches 250. Externally, the future baby (embryo) at 1 month of pregnancy, more precisely to its end, as seen from photo, only remotely resembles a person.

What are the signs of pregnancy that occur in the first month of gestation?

As a rule, at a very short time, about the first 2 weeks, the woman does not notice any changes in her body. Already closer to 3-4 weeks, the future mother begins to think about strange phenomena in her view, and the delay that has arisen by this time makes a pregnancy test.

If we talk about subjective symptoms, which can only indirectly indicate the presence of pregnancy, it is necessary to call:

Talking about how the belly looks at 1 month of pregnancy, whether it is visible, it is worth noting that, in view of the fact that the size of the embryo at this time is very small, there is no increase in its size. As a rule, the stomach grows by 3-4 months of gestation.

What complications of pregnancy can occur in the 1st month?

After examining the main changes and describing the signs of pregnancy that a woman marks in the 1st month, we will name complications that may occur on a short term.

First and foremost, it is necessary to name a violation of implantation. It is noted on the 7-10th day after fertilization. If a fetal egg can not penetrate into the myometrium, then a miscarriage will occur. If the attachment is incorrect, a developmental embryo may subsequently develop, which eventually results in a frozen pregnancy.

When women in 1 month of pregnancy have a lower abdomen, doctors primarily indicate hormonal changes in the body. If there is no bleeding from the vagina, there is no cause for concern.