Vasomotor rhinitis - treatment with folk remedies

Vasomotor rhinitis is not a life-threatening disease, but it significantly lowers the quality of a person's life. Constant sensation of nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, abundant discharge of mucus interfere with normal functioning and lead to apathy, lethargy and depression.

Many people are interested in the question of how to get rid of vasomotor rhinitis, but the answer to it can be given only when the cause of its occurrence is determined, which, unfortunately, is not fully understood by scientists. However, in science there are several factors that can influence the occurrence of vasomotor rhinitis:

Proceeding from this, physicians make preliminary conclusions that in the etiology of vasomotor rhinitis is a violation in the regulation of the tone of the vessels of the nose.

Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms and treatment

For vasomotor rhinitis, the same symptoms as in a cold are characteristic, only in this case there is no temperature, cough and general weakness:

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in children

The treatment of a child should be based, to a greater extent, on natural medicines. Therefore, the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with homeopathy is the most optimal choice.

The essence of homeopathic treatment lies in the fact that the doctor prescribes medicines based on natural components, which have a special property, namely, cause the child to have symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis. Homeopathy adheres to the ancient principle: "the like is treated like". Therefore, individual treatment scheme is of great importance, so as not to harm the body.

Homeopathic preparations, which are prescribed for vasomotor rhinitis:

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in pregnancy

Since the nature of vasomotor rhinitis is not fully understood, physicians can not give an exact answer to why sometimes vasomotor rhinitis appears in a woman at the beginning of the second trimester and disappears after birth. As a rule, in such cases there is only one symptom - nasal congestion. To remove discomforting sensations, it is advisable not to use vasoconstrictive drops and sprays, as they, firstly, develop addiction in blood vessels, and secondly, at this time a woman is extremely undesirable to use any medications (even on the basis of natural components).

Therefore, here comes to the aid point massage with vasomotor rhinitis, during which the specialist by circular or pressing movements activates certain points on the body, which allow to remove the stuffy nose. Most of them are located on the face: between the eyebrows, near the wings of the nose and under the cheekbones next to the auricles. This massage can be done independently, but still, it is better to consult a specialist and see how to properly carry out the procedure, and then do it yourself.

Treatment of allergic vasomotor rhinitis

If the vasomotor rhinitis is accompanied by itching in the nasal sinuses, then we can talk about its allergic nature. The optimal treatment is to combine the intake of antihistamines and sprays on the basis of corticosteroids together with the methods of traditional medicine.

The folk treatment of allergic vasomotor rhinitis consists of several points:

  1. General hardening of the body: exercise and douche. This strengthens the vegetative system, the disturbances of which cause this kind of rhinitis.
  2. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins is a necessary measure in the treatment of allergies.
  3. If there is no allergic reaction to honey, then you can use this recipe: collect fresh birch juice and add 1 tsp to it. honey. This drug should be drunk daily (birch juice also collected daily). This remedy, which heals the entire body, relieves emotional tension and strengthens the nervous system.