Somiki corridors

Corridors are brought to us from South America. The basin of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers gave us a lot of excellent aquarium fish. The genus of the corridors numbers one hundred and fifty of the species described, and a huge number of such living beings who are still waiting for detailed research and description. All these catfishes have common features - spindle-shaped body, convex back, flattened in the lower part. The presence of two rows of oblique bone plates, forming a kind of shield, explains why these fishes are referred to as shellfish. This formation protects its owner, like reliable armor.

Somiki corridors - content

These catfish like to sometimes dig in the ground, so the sand should be soft and fine (diameter of the fraction of 1-3 mm), if possible without sharp inclusions. It is noticed that in the background of the dark bottom the corridors look more effective. The presence of snags or stones is desirable, so we bring the conditions of our aquarium to the natural habitat. After all, catfish in the wild often hide in shelters. It is not advisable to plant the entire bottom with plants. There should be a free place where the corridors will eat. In addition, fish should have unhindered access to the water surface. Catfish have a system of intestinal respiration and should sometimes rise to the surface in order to replenish air reserves.

Omnivorous catfish catfish do not mean that they do not need additional feed. It must be ensured that other inhabitants of the aquarium do not eat all the food before it sinks to the bottom. Otherwise, your wards will soon starve. The water regime should be as follows:

Aeration, quality filters, timely replacement of the liquid - this is an indispensable condition for the normal existence of catfish. Nitrates, nitrites and salts of various metals can also have a bad effect on your wards. Very few can withstand a high (up to 3%) salt content in water. Despite the high endurance, somic corridors sometimes also have diseases. Make sure that there are no growths, stains, parasites on the body of the fish. At the first suspicion immediately isolate the sick creature so that there is no infection of healthy neighbors.

Somiki corridors - reproduction

Depending on the species, the corridors reach sexual maturity at different times - one in 1 year, while others need at least 2 years. For spawning, a male or a pair of males and one female are selected. Sometimes take a whole group of catfish (pieces 5-8), in which males predominate. In the wild during the spawning period, the water is slightly colder than usual. Therefore, a decrease in its temperature by 2-3 degrees and its frequent substitution is a kind of stimulus for the propagation of the corridors. The female collects milk with the mouth, folds the fins with the ladle and places eggs there (up to 30 pieces). After that, it glues them to the side walls of the aquarium, the bottom, or to the leaves of the plants. For one spawn, it can delay up to 1000 pieces. Three days later, larvae appear, which very soon (on the 2-3rd day) begin to feed. As a starting feed for young animals can serve as Artemia.

The most common types of catfish goats are:

  1. Corridor speckled catfish .
  2. The Corridor of Adolf.
  3. Somik corridor is golden.
  4. The corridor works.
  5. The corridor of the present.
  6. The corridor is three-line.
  7. Corridor Schultz.
  8. Corridor Meta.
  9. The panda's corridor.
  10. The corridor of the pygmy.
  11. Corridor of the Shtterb.
  12. The corridor of Julia.
  13. Corridor Axelrod.
  14. Croodoras Schwartz.
  15. The corridor is a horseman.
  16. The corridor is elegant.
  17. Corridor bronze (golden black).
  18. The corridor is two-striped.
  19. Corridor of the motley albino.
  20. Corridor Cocha.

The list of all known species would be much longer. Here are marked only those that are found among amateurs most often. It is noted that the long-necked catfish corridors are more finicky than the rest of their relatives, and the bronze and mottled species are the simplest in content and breeding.