Urolithiasis in cats

Urolithiasis in cats leads to impaired renal function, sometimes to cardiac arrest or brain edema. The disease can develop for a long time, but manifests itself within a few days, so it is so important to understand in time what is happening to the animal, and start treatment in time.

Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats

If you notice the following symptom, it's worth starting to worry:

  1. The very first and most obvious sign is that a cat can not normally go to the toilet. Attempts are accompanied by meowing, restlessness. Urination is very difficult, urine is released in small amounts, sometimes with blood and sand.
  2. The abdomen greatly increases in measurements. It is very difficult to notice in fluffy cats, but it feels good to the touch: the stomach becomes very dense.
  3. In the most severe and neglected case, the cat can no longer urinate, quickly "gains" a full belly. His behavior changes dramatically - he jams into a corner, with difficulty and undesirably moves, stops jumping.

Causes of urolithiasis in cats

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of the causes of urolithiasis in cats. Doctors speak only of factors predisposing to the formation of the disease. These include:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Lifestyle of the cat (its activity).
  3. Diet (proper nutrition).
  4. Postponed infections and common diseases.

Prevention of urolithiasis in cats

Prevention is to minimize the effects of negative factors. Proper care for a sick animal, preventing the spread of infection through the body, caring for the hair, providing the necessary conditions for the activity of the pet.

A special issue is the preventive nutrition of cats. The opinion that it is enough to feed a cat for the prevention of urolithiasis with natural products is incorrect. Regular consumption of raw meat, fish and poultry leads to the accumulation of minerals in the cat's body that promote the formation of sand and kidney stones. Dry food is better to buy from an average or expensive price range.

It is possible to carry out preventive maintenance, periodically adding to water diuretic broths. Strongly smelling herbs can embarrass the animal, so making the solution too strong is not worth it. Feeding cats with the established diagnosis of urolithic disease is even more severe and the need to regularly monitor the quality of drinking water.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

It is impossible to cope independently with urolithiasis of an animal!

In no case can massage the bloated cat's stomach - this can lead to the most difficult and sad events.

At the first signs of urolithiasis, the animal should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. Procrastination in the event that the animal can not urinate can lead to death in the shortest possible time. Expect the end of the weekend in this case is impossible, you need to urgently seek a round the clock veterinary service.

Treatment with a doctor:

  1. Restoration of urine outflow. Under general anesthesia, the doctor removes stone or sand from the urethra of the animal, in the most neglected case, performs an operation to create an artificial outlet channel. In extremely difficult conditions, a cystic surgery is performed to remove large stones from the cat's bladder.
  2. A dropper for the removal of intoxication. It will have to be put a few days.
  3. The diet and necessary physical procedures are prescribed.

The nutrition of cats with urolithiasis, that is, the prescribed diet, is quite rigid: raw meat, poultry and fish. It is not advisable to use the cat milk and hard drinking water. Exclude additional mineral supplements.

Dry food should be necessarily specialized, for castrated animals or for the prevention of urolithiasis.

Observe the dietary diet and undergo procedures will have to be done regularly. In order not to bring the disease to severe forms and not to plant a pet on a rigid diet, it is better to observe preventive measures in time and carefully monitor the health of the pet.