How to treat diarrhea in a kitten?

The little kitten that appeared in the house makes us forget about all the problems and worries for a while, and we are grateful to nature for this miracle. Since his health depends not only on the cat, but also on us and with you, we need to react very quickly to the slightest changes in the behavior of the pet and its health.

Diarrhea in the kitten causes

Diarrhea that occurs in a kitten is a very dangerous phenomenon, especially if diarrhea occurs in newborn kittens. If the strong organism of an adult animal can often cope with digestive disorders itself, then a weak newborn pet can not do it, especially when its diet is limited to mother's milk. In such crumbs, the cause of diarrhea can be an abnormal development of internal organs or an infection that arose in the womb of a cat. Sometimes the disorder occurs on the basis of poor quality natural or artificial feeding.

The rapid course of the disease does not always give time to establish the cause, it often leads to rapid dehydration of kittens and their death.

Older animals that have a variety in nutrition suffer from diarrhea due to helminthic infestation, an infection of a viral or bacterial nature, simply out of curiosity to take in the mouth all that is horrible or banal overeating.

When we see that the kitten has diarrhea, for advice, how to properly treat it, it is better to contact a veterinarian. Experienced specialist sometimes in appearance of feces can pre-predict the course of the disease and tell you how to save the kitten from diarrhea. Of no less importance are your observations of the animal all this time.

How to cure diarrhea in a kitten?

If the cause of diarrhea is insignificant, and you observed only one time vomiting and loose stool without further changes in behavior, you can try to treat the kitten yourself.

To do this, it is enough for a day or two to put on a hungry diet with a plentiful drink. Then we translate into rice broth, applying fractional food during the day. When the chair is adjusted, gradually add food for kittens.

An alarm signal is the appearance in the stool of a greenish shade or blood, which almost always requires medical intervention. If viral infections require the introduction of sera, then bacterial antibiotics. In the presence of parasites, antiparasitic drugs are given. The diagnosis can be made only on the basis of laboratory tests.

In severe cases, droppers are used, and intestinal spasms are removed with spasmolytic drugs (papaverine). Sorbents such as Smecta and Enterosgel quickly help to remove intoxication, and probiotics restore the microflora.

If you are interested in giving a kitten against diarrhea from folk remedies, many people advise a decoction of chamomile, but the last word should always be for the doctor.