How to care for small turtles?

Turtles are becoming popular, the size of which is less than ten centimeters. But before they start, you need to learn how to properly care for such small turtles.

Contents of small turtles: what should I look for?

For small turtles a small aquarium is suitable, the water level in which should be up to twenty centimeters. It is necessary to remember one feature of such turtles: they are very fond of being at the bottom of the aquarium and walking along it, but they do not have gills for a long stay under water, so it is vital for them to surface from time to time. Turtles do this to get the right dose of oxygen. Proceeding from this, it follows that the water level in the aquarium can not be very high, otherwise the turtles will not have time to float to the surface for another sip of oxygen and will die.

The bottom of the aquarium is important - the more, the better. Very good, if there is an island of land and an aquatic part in the aquarium, it best reflects the necessary conditions for small turtles.

What do small turtles eat? Natural food for them - plants, fish and shellfish. You can also use mixtures of fish, shrimp and shellfish. Another version of the food for turtles - pieces of beef. Sometimes you can pamper pets with lettuce and other greens, because plant food is also very important for them.

There are the following types of small turtles: red-eared, marsh, long-nosed and silt tortoises . The most unpretentious in the content is the silt.

Aquarium small turtles do not require special care, so they are ideal as pets for people who have little free time, but who want to have a living creature at home.