How often can you bathe cats?

Everyone knows that cats are big cleaners. Therefore, inexperienced (novice) owners of cats or cats have a number of issues related to this procedure. First of all, do cats bat at all, and if they bathe, how often can you bathe a cat? Let's try to answer these questions.

Water procedures for a cat

For a cat, licking your fur is not just such a pastime, it's a hygienic procedure. With their tongue, which has special setae, like a comb with very frequent teeth, they smooth the fur, while eliminating all kinds of dirt. In addition, wool in cats has a special lubrication, due to which it has a well-groomed appearance in a healthy animal. And when bathing, this lubricant is washed off and, as a consequence, the cat may have dandruff or even some skin disease. That's why cats can not bathe often.

Bathing for cats is necessary only in case of severe contamination or when infected with parasites ( fleas ). Then there is another question, how many times can you bathe a cat.

For a healthy animal, it is sufficient once a year to maintain the wool in a well-maintained condition. The exception are the hairless breeds of cats, they are bathed every 7-10 days. For the purpose of killing parasites, cats are bathed once with the use of special shampoos.

How to properly bathe a cat?

Cats can not stand water. Therefore, the best way to bathe an animal is to use a special dry shampoo. At the same time bathing is reduced to a routine of combing out. When bathing the cat in the water, first of all, protect the ears of the animal from water ingress. An adult cat is better to bathe in the bathroom, typing the water just above her stomach and putting a terry towel on the bottom so that she (the cat) does not slip. In this case, it is better to turn off the water so that the noise of running water does not frighten the animal. The temperature of the water should be such that it does not burn the lowered elbow, but it is not cool either (remember that the body temperature in cats is higher than in humans). After bathing, the animal should be thoroughly wiped (if possible - dried by a hair dryer) and placed in heat.