Moles at the dacha - how to get rid?

Very often from summer residents you can hear a complaint that the moles have dug up the whole garden and spoiled the harvest. In fact, moles are little interested in planted flowers and vegetables on the beds, and he digs underground passages in search of food. Moles, like their larger mole rats , feed on earthworms, slugs, beetles, larvae and other insects inhabiting the upper fertile soil layers. And it is here that the interests of gardeners and moles coincide, and they begin their struggle for a fertile land.

Speaking about how to get rid of moles in the country, first of all, do not underestimate these pests. Their underground tunnels can stretch for many meters under your site, therefore to the issue of getting rid of moles should be approached in a complex way. Destroying one detected hole problem is not solved. It is likely that it is under your site that a whole highway of moleholes is laid. In addition, these hard-working animals check their possessions several times a day, so a destroyed burrow can be restored by a mole the same day. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of moles in the garden, should be carefully prepared.

Consider a few of the most common ways to combat these insectivorous animals.

Repelling moles

One of the most common folk ways to get rid of moles is scare. Many summer residents install a simple system on the site from a stick dug into the ground, on which hang an empty can or a plastic bottle on top. In the wind, such a construction creates noise, which, in the opinion of some, can scare off moles. However, it is more likely that this sound will cause inconvenience to the summer residents themselves, rather than to pests. For example, it has been scientifically proven that moles do not react to these sounds at all.

As for special scarers, which are sold in stores, their effect is also rather doubtful. Animals quickly get used to the sounds they make and do not pay attention to them.

The poison for moles

Choosing a way how to get rid of moles on the site, you can try to use a special poison. There are several types of this substance: it is sold in pellets or grains, which need to be poured into burrows. Some gardeners are positive about this method of fighting pests, but the poison still does not give an absolute guarantee of the success of the event.

Mole Traps

If you decide to catch a mole with a trap, it is better not to save and purchase an option specifically designed for these garden pests. In size, such a trap looks like a mole cave, and also has rough walls inside, which prevents the animal, which continues to dig, to feel a dirty trick. The valve is triggered when the animal is inside. This way of fighting already gives much more effect.

Prevention of moles

Thinking about how to get rid of moles in the garden, you can try to prepare in advance for their appearance. To do this, it is necessary immediately after the colds have passed to dig into the ground along the perimeter of the entire garden area a special fine mesh. This option gives a full guarantee that moles in your area will not get hold of. However, to place such an obstacle you will need to spend a lot of time and effort, because the minimum depth at which it should be installed is 1.2 meters.


If you are interested in how to get rid of moles in the country in more humane ways, then you can try to arrange catching animals with a shovel. This method will also require you to participate personally and take a large amount of time. Dig one of the moles of moles and wait for the animal to come in to fix the passage. When the mole approaches, carefully dig it with a shovel and throw it into the bucket. The captured animals should be taken away from the garden plots - in the field or in the forest.