A curb band for beds

Every gardener wants his site to look neat, there are paths on it that are convenient for walking, and for each plant there was a place. In this can help the garden curb tape for beds. What it is, and what materials it can replace, we will consider in this article.

Border ribbon and its varieties

The border material for the formation of beds is a flexible plastic tape. Even with prolonged interaction with plants, soil and natural forces, it can not be corroded and decayed. To get it is very simple, because it is sold in almost every garden store and has a fairly low cost.

There are several types of border ribbon: smooth and corrugated, with smooth and wavy edges, a width of 10 to 50 cm, all colors of the rainbow. Regardless of what you choose, the principles of installation and use of this product does not change.

How to use curbstones?

It is used in several cases:

It not only performs a decorative function, but also helps to save resources (especially water) and increase yields. After all, this kind of fencing does not allow weeds to spread on the bed, but useful - throughout the site. Also, when watering or carrying out fertilizing, it is promoted by the fact that the plants that are grown receive moisture and nutrition.

How to install curbstones?

For this we need:


  1. We dig a trench around the flower bed or beds, the depth depends on the height of the tape itself and the expected period of use. If for 1 season, then enough and 10 cm, and if you want longer - then make 20 cm.
  2. We measure the length of the ditch made and cut the same size tape.
  3. We put the tape in the ditch, pull it and fall asleep with soil, then we ram it.
  4. We connect the ends with a stapler. If you want to create a flower bed of unusual shape, then to keep the tape, it should be strengthened with pegs. They should be located alternately from different sides at the same distance.

After installing the curb tape, you can proceed the formation of the bed itself or the flower bed.

If there is no curb tape for beds

You can replace the curb tape with materials such as:

But in order to get a beautiful patch with them, you will have to make a lot of efforts.