Thermoregulator for aquarium

To keep fish, certain temperature conditions are required. Many fish are tropical, so the acceptable water temperature for them can be no lower than 23-27 degrees. In winter, without heating water, fish can simply die. Therefore, water heaters are an important equipment.

The water temperature thermostat for the aquarium is a water heater with a built-in regulator. It consists of a glass tube with a heating element. Thermoregulators themselves turn off when reaching the set level of heat and turn on when the temperature drops below the required temperature. They operate in the range of 18-32 degrees Celsius.

Installing a thermostat for an aquarium

First you need to choose the power of the device, which is necessary for the aquarium and depends on the volume of water in it. It is generally considered that for heating 4.5 liters of water, enough power is 10 watts. For a large aquarium instead of one powerful device it is better to buy a few weak ones - so the water will be more evenly heated.

There are water heaters submersible or ground. Install and operate the thermostat for the aquarium must be strictly in accordance with the instructions to prevent damage to the device or its failure.

The immersion thermoregulator for the aquarium is waterproof, it can be installed both vertically and horizontally. The water level in the tank should always be above the minimum dive stroke, which is marked on the body. The heater is attached to the wall of the aquarium using brackets with suction cups. Install it in a place where the aquarium, in which there is a constant circulation of water. Do not immersion thermostat in the ground . The limiting depth of the location usually ranges within 1 meter. It is possible to switch on the thermostat in the electric network after 15 minutes after its installation.

There is also a kind of thermoregulators - a ground heater (thermal cable). It is located on the bottom of the aquarium and is masked by plants and decorations. The thermal cable will ensure even heating of the water, because the warm water circulates and rises to the surface.

It is forbidden to turn on the heater removed from the aquarium, and also to lower the hand into the water when the appliance is on.

Heaters are the necessary equipment for an aquarium in the cold season. Thanks to maintaining the temperature level in the aquarium, optimal comfortable conditions for its inhabitants will be created.