Contracture of the joint

Contracture (Latin contractura - contraction, narrowing) - restriction of joint mobility, a condition in which the limb can not be completely bent or unbent, associated with pathological changes in the surrounding tissues tissues. Most often, contractures occur with prolonged immobility of the joint, after trauma, resulting in atrophy of muscle tissue, loss of ligaments and tendons of elasticity. But also the phenomenon can be caused by neurological causes, inflammatory diseases of muscles and joints, scar scarring of the skin and other problems.

Types of joint contracture

In their origin, contractions are congenital and acquired. Congenital diseases are observed due to underdevelopment of muscles or joints. Acquired contractures can be:

Contracture of the elbow joint

The most common cause of contracture of the elbow joint is incorrect or incomplete reposition, insufficiently accurate comparison of fragments after fractures in the periarticular region. In such cases, the movement restriction is caused by a mechanical obstruction, in addition, there may be a hemorrhage in the joint and rupture of the joint bag. In case the fracture was correctly fixed or was far from the joint, the development of contracture is also possible due to immobilization of the joint. Less common are contractures caused by purulent arthritis, lacerations, or extensive burns of the soft tissues of the hand.

Treatment of the contracture of the elbow joint directly depends on the causes that caused it. With improperly fused fractures, they resort to surgical intervention followed by repeated immobilization. In other cases, treatment is carried out by conservative methods:

Non -steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used.

Contracture of the shoulder joint

The contracture of this joint most often occurs after bruises and sprains, accompanied by a hemorrhage into the joint or damage to the periarticular tissues. In particular, a common cause is the tearing or tearing of tendons and ligaments, inflammatory diseases of the muscles, the deposition of salts.

In most cases, the limitation of mobility is accompanied by soreness in the joint region. The contracture of the shoulder joint is treated, except for cases caused by chronic inflammatory processes, surgically.

Contracture of the knee joint

The most common contracture of the knee joint, which developed as a result of immobilization of the limb with a fracture of the hip or shin. In this case, the muscles quickly lose strength, and the ligaments and tendons are elastic. So, for 6 weeks of immobilization, the rigidity of the joint bag can increase by 10 or more times. Non-traumatic causes of development of such contractures are most often becomes gonarthrosis, causing degenerative-dystrophic changes in the structure of the joint.

Surgical treatment (removal of scars, lengthening of muscles, etc.) is used in case of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.

Contract of ankle joint

Most often develops due to damage to ligaments and tendons, since such injuries account for up to 12% of all ankle damage. In addition, it is possible to develop contracture after fixation, especially wrong joint, for shin fractures , and arthrosis. Treatment can be both conservative and surgical.