Symptoms of biliary hypertension

The word "biliary" came from Latin. In translation it means "bilious". Accordingly, the signs of biliary hypertension are directly related to the dysfunction of the gallbladder and systems, one way or another dependent on it. Why is the term also present in the name, usually used in describing diseases of the cardiovascular system? It's simple: sometimes diseases that affect the biliary tract, not only disrupt the outflow of bile, but also cause blood flow disorder, which in turn leads to a jump in pressure in the portal veins.

The main signs of biliary hypertension

As a rule, the symptoms of biliary hypertension precede the diagnosis of malignant tumors that can be localized in the gallbladder, liver and even in the head of the pancreas. And it's easy to explain: the formed tumors squeeze the organs, and the pressure rises. Almost always, in addition to the main ailment, there are complications in the form of mechanical jaundice.

All types of biliary hypertension can be conditionally divided into groups according to:

The pressure for biliary hypertension of the liver can only increase in the splenic vein or in the entire system of blood vessels. And such varieties of the disease are called segmental and total, respectively.

The tumor, which does not allow the normal functioning of the veins, can be located anywhere. Depending on the localization, it is customary to isolate intra-, post- and pre-liver or mixed hypertension.

A very important role in the formation of signs of the disease is played by the stage of the disease. For example, at the initial stage only functional disturbances can be observed. On them, in principle, you can not even pay attention. Moderate stage of the disease is characterized by compensation for all disorders. In contrast to it, the pronounced form is decompensated, and in most cases it is accompanied by an edematous-ascitic syndrome. In addition to it, there are symptoms such as:

Treatment of biliary hypertension may be required in the event that the examination confirms an increase in the spleen, or in the abdominal cavity fluid is found.

The most dangerous is biliary hypertension, which occurs with complications. In addition to the main symptoms, bleeding occurs in this case, acute liver failure develops. In many patients, the neglected form of the disease is also accompanied by anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia . These problems arise due to the fact that blood cells are destroyed, and their particles are retained in the spleen.

Methods of treatment of biliary hypertension

Drug therapy is advisable in the event that a patient has functional disorders. Best in the fight against biliary hypertension have proven themselves:

In general, patients with this diagnosis are prescribed the following drugs:

If conservative methods of treatment are powerless, surgical therapy is used. Indications for surgical intervention can also be considered: