Tobrex - analogues

The peculiarity of drops for the eyes of Torbex is their absolute safety. Despite the fact that the solution contains a potent antibiotic, it is completely harmless, does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable even for newborns. Nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary to replace Toxrex - analogues of the drug exist in the form of direct synonyms with identical composition, as well as in the form of generics, based on other ingredients, but with a similar effect.

Eye drops analogue Tobrex

This solution is developed on the basis of tobramycin - an antibacterial component with a wide spectrum of action. It extends to staphylococci, Klebsiella, streptococcus, diphtheria microbes and Escherichia coli.

Completely similar solutions in the composition and mechanism of action:

All these medicines have the same active ingredient - tobramycin sulfate. They can be used for eye diseases accompanied by inflammation due to bacterial infection:

Cheap analogs and generics eye drops Tobrex

If the eye does not matter in the treatment of inflammatory bacterial pathologies, what antibiotic is the active ingredient, Tobrex can be replaced with a drug based on another component with a wide spectrum of action.

For example:

Also an excellent alternative to the described solution are generics based on ciprofloxacin. This substance in the form of hydrochloride has a high antibacterial activity against almost all known Gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Ciprofloxacin acts quickly and effectively, destroying pathogenic microbes at the level of their DNA. In this case, drugs based on this antibiotic are low in toxicity, do not cause side effects.

Among such analogues of Tobrex, Tsipromed is preferred. It is available in the form of eye drops with a concentration of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride 0.3%. In addition to Cipromed in this group of drugs can be purchased: