Memo for parents of future first graders

So the weekend matinees died off in kindergartens, which means that some three months will pass, and yesterday's kids will enter the doors of a new school life for them. Parents who first go through this have a reminder that will give advice and recommendations and will help them understand how to behave with future first graders at this time, as well as what to do to make the adaptation in school as smooth as possible.

Is the child ready for school?

The fundamental factor that determines whether a child will become a diligent student is his psychological and physical readiness to enter a new world for him. Children should know what the school will give them, namely, new interesting knowledge and skills. For this, it is necessary to understand that for them a new stage has begun, involving active activity, and this is radically different from that in kindergarten.

Psychologists have noticed that children who do not attend a kindergarten find it more difficult to adapt to new conditions, because they have never been in such a collective, they do not know what discipline is in the class, as they live their measured home life. That is why it is extremely desirable, at least last year before school to attend a kindergarten. This is necessary not so much to gain any knowledge, but for the socialization of the future first-grader.

Memo, in addition to advice for parents of future first-graders in psychology, calls attention to the physical aspect of child development. If he often gets sick - more than 8-12 times a year, then it makes sense to actively begin to deal with it, to revise the way of life and, possibly, visit a sanatorium of the appropriate profile. Children need to pass an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an ENT, to pass tests to be in time for the first class to correct health.

Tips for parents of future first-graders for the summer

Many conscientious parents sincerely believe that having gone for a couple of weeks with the child to the sea, they will heal. In fact, it turns out on the contrary, especially if the future first-grader is taken to overseas countries. The body experiences enormous stress and it takes three weeks or more to adapt to a new climate (temperature, humidity, water).

It is best to stay at home, and ideally, go to your grandmother in the village. Fresh air, walking barefoot, swimming in the river, natural products and socializing with nature is the best help for immunity.

It is desirable to adjust gradually the daily routine of the child to school, and also to teach the child in the morning to do gymnastics. All this will help to cheer up and tune in for studies. But if the parents planned from the beginning of the academic year to write a child in a new section - this is a bad idea, at least in the next six months. The schoolboy will already experience a huge load to which he will need to quickly adapt, so that everything else will only delay the process and bring the desired results.

The child should be praised more, less scolded and inculcated with a positive view not only of training, but also of the world around him, and then the school years will be the most beautiful time for him.