The child is afraid of croaking

Only the parents were happy that the baby was finally accustomed to the pot, and there were no wet panties, as there was a new attack. The child can not go "big" neither on the pot nor on the toilet. And if this situation continues for five to seven days, it's time to worry, because the face is a psychological constipation. And when the child is relieved, his stool is hard, causing pain to the crumb and can injure the rectum.

The causes of psychological constipation in children

Psychological constipation occurs when the baby wants to emptied, but is restrained from the last forces, as a result of which the feces accumulate and solidify. This situation often occurs in children aged 2-4 years, when they have already learned how to manage their urges. The psychological causes of constipation are already painful situations experienced by the child, when a hard chair gave him pain, or an unpleasant incident occurred because of diarrhea. Remembering about them, the crumb is afraid of repetition and suffers, but does not empty on time. To the same trouble leads the behavior of the mother when accustoming the child to the pot: forced, with pressure. And, defending their independence, the child manifests resistance in the form of arbitrary retention of defecation. It happens that the child is afraid to poke into the pot when the parents scold him because he did not ask in time for the pot and messed up his panties. And the child connects the anger of relatives not with dirty laundry, but with the process of emptying the intestines. Also, the cause of psychological constipation can be stresses arising from the death of a loved one, quarrels between close people, adaptation to a kindergarten.

The child is afraid of croaking - what to do?

First of all, parents should understand that the problem does exist and it is of a psychological nature. Then it is necessary to tell the pediatrician about this, which, most likely, will recommend taking an analysis for dysbiosis. If the analysis is positive, the doctor will give all the necessary appointments.

With psychological constipation, parents will need to solve two problems:

It is important to adhere to a special diet that normalizes the stool. In the diet of the child must be present:

It should be limited to the use of baby sweet and flour, sour-milk products (except for one-day kefir). In exceptional cases, when constipation persists for a long time - 5-7 days, rectal suppositories based on glycerin should be used.

When you achieve that the stool becomes softer, the child will stop being afraid of emptying, because there will be no more painful sensations.

However, with psychological constipation, the child should correct the situation in the family. About the pot can still forget. It is better to think up a fairy tale for the kid, for example, about the elephant (hippopotamus), who lost his way in the tummy and can not find a way to get out. And your child must certainly help this hero. Try to be with the child nearby, when he does "business" in panties. And, instead of scolding, praise him and rejoice with him. After all, the kid did such an important job!

Pay attention to the fact that it became easier for him that his tummy stopped aching. When the evacuation of the intestine is adjusted, and the child will forget about the pain, you can try to teach the pot anew. However, here you should act carefully and patiently.