How to teach a child to stand without support?

Toddlers grow and with each month they do not cease to amaze with new skills of their mothers and dads. However, it happens that time comes, but the little one does not want to turn over, stand on his feet or, for example, crawl. This makes parents worry, and they try to help their baby.

How to teach the baby to stand alone?

There are several recommendations on how to teach a child to stand without support and when to start this training:

  1. Do not force events. It is very important to wait until the baby is ready to stand alone. To do this, he must strengthen the muscles of the back and legs. A signal that he can stand without support is the fact that the child can independently climb from the priests to the feet with the help of a support.
  2. Prepare a place for training. Teach your child to stand alone, either on the floor or on any stable surface. The most important thing is that it should be protected from falling. To do this, you can enclose a zone of training pillows and soft toys.

After the training site is ready and you see that the baby can easily stand on the legs, start classes using your hands instead of the pedestal:

  1. Attention to the child. Plant a child and give him your hands. The kid will gladly get up, holding on to them. Talk and praise him while doing this. It is very important that the child feels the attention and support at such an interesting moment in his life.
  2. Trust the baby. Everyone knows that children trust their parents more than themselves. This is one of the reasons why babies do not want to let go of an adult's hand and stand by holding on to it. Try to remove your hand for a few seconds, standing next to the crumb. Let him know that you will not abandon him and will not leave.
  3. Child support. After the baby stood for a few seconds, give him your hands and plant on the ass. It is very important not to let the crumb fall, and he was hurt and scared. The fear that he will experience in this case can for a long time discourage his desire to stand alone.

How to teach a child to stand on legs is a question that requires time and patience from the parents. Sometimes it takes a couple of days to do this, and sometimes it takes a lot of time. Do not rush, and very soon you will see how he is already beginning to walk.