Ovarian cyst during pregnancy

Ovarian cyst with pregnancy occurs quite often. In this case, the type of the given tumor and its size are of great importance. It is these parameters that doctors consider when planning therapeutic interventions. Let's take a detailed look at this violation and tell you about what can threaten the ovarian cyst during pregnancy and what you need to do in such a situation.

What types of cysts are observed during pregnancy most often?

In fact, such 2 phenomena as the ovarian cyst and the arising pregnancy, observed simultaneously, it is not so scary, as the pregnant women say. The thing is that in most situations the cyst is benign. These include the follicular cyst and cyst of the yellow body. It is the second most often occurs when pregnancy occurs.

What is the danger of a cyst during pregnancy?

It should be noted that in most cases, a violation with the current pregnancy is detected quite by accident, - with the planned conduct of ultrasound. This is explained by the fact that the ovarian cyst during pregnancy, especially at its early stages, does not manifest itself in any way. Only after increasing the growth in size, a woman complains of pains in the abdomen, swelling, bloating. These symptoms are caused by increased pressure on the body of the cyst on a number of underlying organs.

If we talk about how the ovarian cyst affects the pregnancy that has arisen, then, as a rule, the presence of this formation does not affect the fetus in any way. The danger is only in the complications of this disorder, including the torsion of the legs and the rupture of the body of the cyst. The result of both situations is the development of peritonitis, an inflammation of the peritoneum. This condition requires urgent surgical care.

How is ovarian cyst used in pregnant women treated?

Having understood what effect the cyst itself has on the course of pregnancy, it can be said that in most cases this violation disappears on its own. Doctors, as a rule, are engaged only in observing education in dynamics. If the size of the cyst is constantly increasing and already exceeds 10 cm in diameter, surgical intervention is prescribed. But this happens very rarely.

Thus, it can be said that the ovarian cyst during pregnancy has no effect on the body of the pregnant women themselves, and also on the fetus.