Burn with boiling water - treatment at home

Thermal burns are considered one of the most common forms of skin damage. Therefore, many mistresses are well aware of how to treat the burn with boiling water at home - to face this in practice had to repeatedly. A few simple secrets help to avoid all unpleasant consequences of damage and quickly restore the injured skin.

Degrees of burns

All thermal damages of the skin are conditionally divided into four degrees of complexity. The necessary method of treatment largely depends on the degree of burn:

  1. Burns of the first degree are considered to be the simplest. They are characterized by a slight reddening of the skin and sometimes the formation of small bubbles.
  2. When treating burns with boiling water of grade 2 at home, one has to face blisters gradually starting to open. At the site of the injury, a thin scab can form.
  3. A third degree burn is associated with a deep skin lesion, sometimes reaching up to the muscles. All blisters with such a burn burst, formed a scab.
  4. The most difficult fourth degree of burn penetrates to the bone. In especially severe cases, charring of the epidermis may even be observed.

At home, it is possible to treat exclusively thermal burns of the first and second degree. More serious damage should be done by specialists. But fortunately, and there are burns of third and fourth degree with extremely rare boiling water.

Basic principles of treating burns with boiling water

The outcome of the treatment of burns almost completely depends on how well and in a timely manner the medical care will be provided. So you need to act without delay - the sooner take the necessary measures, the less unpleasant memories of the burn will remain:

  1. First you need to cope with the shock, especially if the area of ​​the defeat is quite impressive.
  2. A very important stage in the treatment of burns with boiling water is elimination of the irritating factor. That is, if hot water has got on the clothes, the latter should be removed as soon as it continues to injure the skin.
  3. After this, the injured place should be placed under cold running water for about twenty minutes. This will not only eliminate the pain, but also prevent the spread of the burn.
  4. Apply a sterile bandage to the wound. If possible, treat the wound with special remedies, such as Solcoseryl, Pantenol or Lifeguard. Just in case, these funds will not prevent to put everyone in the first aid kit.
  5. If you do not have a sterile bandage and all the necessary means at hand, the usual clean bandage will be suitable for first aid.

In no case can the ice be applied to the wound. And patients with deep burns are not recommended to treat damage with iodine or zelenok. Otherwise, the determination of the area of ​​damage can be difficult.

Treat burns with boiling water legs, hands, body and mouth should be approximately the same. The only nuance - mucous in case of minor damages is restored independently and quickly enough. And that the healing of all burns passed more quickly, during the recovery it is desirable to abandon smoking - nicotine reduces the blood supply of tissues.

Treatment of burns with boiling water with folk remedies

As practice has shown, in the treatment of light burns, folk recipes effectively help:

  1. Sea-buckthorn oil promotes the fastest healing of tissues.
  2. Juice of aloe is useful for burns.
  3. Relieves pain and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration compress with freshly squeezed carrot juice.
  4. To get rid of painful sensations it is possible also, having put to a burnt a grated potato.