Smell from the mouth - treatment

Even the most relaxed and desired communication can leave unpleasant impressions. Blame from everything - the smell from the mouth.

Why does the smell from the mouth appear?

It is impossible to eliminate the smell from the mouth, without eliminating the cause of its appearance. And there are several reasons for an unpleasant smell:

But combining the root cause of what smells from the mouth - bacteria. They are the cause of the emission of gases with such an unpleasant odor. "Help" bacteria to reproduce the lack of oxygen.

If the cause of odor from the mouth is the stomach

Stagnation of undigested food in the stomach or excessive secretion of gastric juice is manifested not only by discomfort and swelling, but also by the release of odors. Mixed distorted odors from the mouth of the recently adopted food give rise to seek help from the gastroenterologist.

Hence, and a familiar smell from the mouth after sleep. Even without having special problems from the gastrointestinal tract, many in the morning feel unpleasant sensations in the mouth. The stomach begins to produce acid and enzymes to digest food, and the mouth smells unpleasant. It is only necessary to eat, as the smell dissipates. The same situation can arise if you allowed yourself to eat less than 4 hours before bedtime. The food just did not have time to digest. As a result, in the morning you will feel the smell of all the consequences of a late dinner.

Remedies for odor from the mouth

The most effective remedy for smell from the mouth is saliva. As it turned out, the oxygen contained in it creates a destructive environment for bacteria, while simultaneously washing away all causes of odor. Therefore, regardless of the cause of the unpleasant odor, it is worth avoiding dry mouth.

For this, chewing gums can be used. They accelerate the production of saliva and freshen breath instantly. Drinking water with lemon also contributes to a greater production of salivary fluid, therefore it is used as a remedy to eliminate odor from the mouth. If the cause of odor from the mouth is glands, you may need to remove purulent plugs. They often become a source of unpleasant odor. With the disease of ENT organs, odor from the mouth is a common occurrence if the infection is bacterial. To eliminate this cause, you will need to take a course of antibiotics.

If the cause of bad breath is teeth, that is, caries, the dentist will help correct the problem. To the same doctor it is necessary to address, if a smell from a mouth create sick gums. The dentist will carry out a deep cleaning of teeth, remove plaque and stone. Just because of them the gums become a good haven of bacteria, soften, descend and bleed.

Well, after eliminating the root causes, the removal of the smell from the mouth goes into the category of the usual procedure - morning and evening brushing of teeth. At the same time it is worth using a toothpick and floss. Not always even the best toothbrush can eliminate the remnants of food.

Smell from the mouth and smoking

Smell from the mouth and smoking - a separate extensive topic. It's easier not to smoke, than get rid of the smell of tobacco smoke and tar. Worst of all, that even after the treatment of the mouth, teeth cleaning, gums, tongue and inner side of the cheeks, the smell all early remains. The reason is the smell of the lungs. Therefore, getting rid of the smell from the mouth helps after smoking only deep and frequent breathing. If you need at least a little, but quickly refresh your breath after a smoked cigarette, will help:

Fresh breath is a sign of health and attention to the body. Therefore, be healthy and breathe without embarrassment!