Insider revealed new details of Beyonce's pregnancy

About a month ago, the Internet exploded from sensational news - Beyonce is pregnant for the second time! With every day of details about the interesting position of the pop star becomes more and more. The other day the press was able to learn that the singer plans to give birth to her twins at home, and today the family friend told about the experiences of the future mother.


Beyoncé tries not to eat much sweet

Like any pregnant woman, the singer changed her eating habits. Beyoncé very much wants sweet and salty, but because she is inclined to fullness and swelling, the singer constantly struggles with her desire. She even went to visit a nutritionist who developed her menu with delicious and healthy food. Here's what the insider said about this:

"Now Beyonce is changing a lot in life, but most of all it affects the nutrition. She wants to eat a lot, tasty and caloric. At the same time, Beyonce is very afraid of getting better, because she is not actively involved in the gym. Now her favorite thing is to just lie on the couch and listen to different music. In addition, the performer is very tired. It frightens her, but she understands that all these changes are temporary. "
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The family strongly supports Beyoncé

There is no person in the family of the famous singer, who would not be happy about the interesting position of the star. The truth is most admired by the fact that soon will be born two more new people Blue Ivy, 5-year-old daughter Beyonce and Jay Zee. The insider commented on the girl's behavior:

"Blyu is very happy because she will soon become the elder sister. She is waiting for this. The girl is constantly hugging her mother, stroking her belly, talking to future babies and just taking care of Beyoncé. Recently the singer told me that the girl even somehow suggested that she make her tea and toast in the morning to facilitate pregnancy. "
Beyoncé and Blue Ivy

Except for Blue, incredibly happy with this news and Beyonce's husband, and the insider confirmed this information:

"When Jay Z learned that he would soon become a father, he was inspired by this news. With this news, relations between celebrities have dramatically improved. These children are a gift from above, which helped to preserve the marriage and bring a new round of love to the union. Now in their marriage, harmony and understanding prevail. Spouses are waiting for the birth of twins. "
Jay Zee and Beyonce