Moisturizing face mask at home

Many women confuse skin nutrition and its hydration. If your cheeks or nose are flaky, the first thing that comes to mind is to smear this place with something greasy, olive oil, for example. But such a remedy does not solve the problem if the skin lacks moisture. The best moisturizer is to drink more pure water. But a moisturizing face mask made at home can restore beauty to the skin.

What is good for a moisturizing face mask at home?

The main plus procedure at home - you do not necessarily strive for aesthetics, but because you can use even the products stored in the refrigerator. At home, no one will judge you for a layer of crumpled tomatoes, or strawberries on your face. Meanwhile, it is the fresh fruits, vegetables and berries that are the ideal means of moisturizing. You can always choose the right option for the season.

Home moisturizing face masks - which one to choose?

The simplest recipe for a moisturizing face mask, which is equally suitable for women of different ages with different skin types , is a fresh cucumber rubbed on a grater. Spread the gruel on the skin and leave for at least 15 minutes. Cucumber not only nourish the dermis with moisture, but also refresh your complexion. This is a universal tool, besides, it can be called a budgetary one - one large vegetable is enough for one procedure. But remember: only a cucumber grown in the soil is suitable, and hence the time of this mask is from the end of May to September.

Moisturizing face mask with honey, on the contrary, is good in the winter season. Prepare it quite simply:

  1. Grate half a peeled raw potato, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice.
  2. Ripe avocado with a fork, add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  3. Mix avocado with potatoes, apply on face.
  4. The procedure time is 10-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the mask layer.

A moisturizing face mask made from sour cream is suitable for mature women who are concerned about the first age-related changes. In its composition, low-fat sour cream, ground oats and banana in equal quantities. Moisturizing mask for oily skin is different only in the absence of sour cream. This milk product can clog pores, so limit yourself to a banana and oatmeal. The result will be no worse.

Moisturizing masks for dry face skin are very diverse. There are three directions of such means:

Just moisturize the skin with fresh berries and fruits with the addition of aloe juice. The time of such a mask should not be longer than 10 minutes.

Moisturize the skin and at the same time enrich it with nutritional ingredients, if you add a little natural vegetable oil, such as olive or linseed oil, to the fruit and vegetable slurry. Egg yolk works just fine.

Anti-aging effect is given by herbal infusions. Here are the most suitable plants:

Prepare a moisturizing mask with herbal decoction is somewhat more complicated than usual:

  1. Brew 2 tbsp. spoons of grass, or a herbal mixture of 100 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid.
  2. Cool to a temperature of 50-60 degrees, strain.
  3. Grind in a coffee grinder 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal.
  4. Mix the cereal with the broth, cover with a lid, so that the mass thickens.
  5. Add 0.5 teaspoons of honey and 1 egg yolk, mix thoroughly, apply on face.
  6. The time of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, all this time you should be relaxed and in a horizontal position.
  7. Rinse the product best with slightly warmed-up low-fat milk.