Antimulylerov a hormone is raised or increased - what to do or make?

Antimulylerov hormone or inhibitory substance Muller - a biologically active substance that is produced in the female and male body of man. This substance affects the development of the sex glands, as well as stimulates the growth and differentiation of tissues. In the body to every woman, it is produced from the moment of puberty to menopause, and is an indicator of the normal reproductive function of the body. We will consider what is indicated by the change in the indices of the antimueller hormone level and what to do

Antimulylerov a hormone is raised or increased - what to do or make?

Antimulylerov hormone in women is an indicator of the ovaries, its production is not regulated by other hormones. The limits of the normal values ​​of the level of antimulylerovogo hormone are 1,0-2,5 ng / ml. A high level of antimulylerovoy hormone can talk about the presence of a certain pathology of the ovaries.

Possible pathologies of the ovaries in this case:

Reducing the level of antimulylerovoy hormone does not always indicate the presence of pathological changes. So, for example, the reason can be:

How to determine the high level of anti-Muller hormone?

Research on the level of antimulylerova hormone is carried out on the third day of the menstrual cycle, while in 2 days you should avoid physical exertion, stress, smoking and drinking alcohol. If antimulylerov a hormone is raised, the skilled expert should appoint or nominate treatment, and can appoint or nominate additional researches. Do not engage in self-medication, follow the advice of girlfriends and companions in the forums.